Date as worksheet name



I am using workbook "EPLC.xls", as my active workbook, which then open
a second workbook, which itself is named as
"{The date the day before}NW AB.xls"
eg. if today is 03.08.2004 then the worksheet i am opening is calle
"02082004 NW AB.xls".

What i then want to do is create a worksheet with todays date (i
format "ddmmyyyy" on the second workbook.

So in the example above workbook

"02082004 NW AB.xls" needs worksheet

"03082004" creating in it.

Is this possible ??

I have tried a few ways but just get errors!!

Any help appreciated

Tom Ogilvy

worksheets.Add After:=Worksheets(worksheets.count)
worksheets(worksheets.count).Name = Format(Date,"ddmmyyyy")


Thanks Tom.

Please could you also tell me how to add "Auditor Name" to Cell A1 o
each of the newly ceated worksheets.

I would also like to have cells A1 to D1 with an interior colour o

So in total there will be 5 worksheets with this same info on them.


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