I got a large dataview and want to filter some data
and use the for-loop to list the data, however, it seems myThought is wrong.
All the data is list.
dvHBL.RowFilter = "jobno='" & strJobno & "' "
For Each drHBL In dvHBL.Table.Rows
tnjob.Nodes.Add(drHBL.Item("jobno") <-- all data is list
regardless the rowfilter
and use the for-loop to list the data, however, it seems myThought is wrong.
All the data is list.
dvHBL.RowFilter = "jobno='" & strJobno & "' "
For Each drHBL In dvHBL.Table.Rows
tnjob.Nodes.Add(drHBL.Item("jobno") <-- all data is list
regardless the rowfilter