Dear friends
Two of the columns in the table tblAdressbook is the field "FirstName" and
the field "personID". The table is loaded in the dataset myDataset and is
sorted by "personID" in the dataview myDataView as this:
Dim myDataView As DataView = New DataView(myDataset.Tables("tblAdressbokk"),
"", _
"personID", DataViewRowState.CurrentRows)
So I am searching the DataView for a spesific row and retrieving the
rowindex as this:
Dim RowIndex As Short
RowIndex = MyDataView.Find(ListBox1.SelectedItem)
The field "FirstName" in this spesific row is "Frank", but how do I edit
this field to "Joe"?
Somebody knows?
Regards Able
Two of the columns in the table tblAdressbook is the field "FirstName" and
the field "personID". The table is loaded in the dataset myDataset and is
sorted by "personID" in the dataview myDataView as this:
Dim myDataView As DataView = New DataView(myDataset.Tables("tblAdressbokk"),
"", _
"personID", DataViewRowState.CurrentRows)
So I am searching the DataView for a spesific row and retrieving the
rowindex as this:
Dim RowIndex As Short
RowIndex = MyDataView.Find(ListBox1.SelectedItem)
The field "FirstName" in this spesific row is "Frank", but how do I edit
this field to "Joe"?
Somebody knows?
Regards Able