I hoep someone can help with this "Mystery
My goal it to use data validation - list to allow an operator to enter a numerical value into a cell either by pickin
a value from the drop down list or manually type a value that is on the data validation list. My purpose is to avoi
the operator entering labels such as "77 years" instead of the number 77
I have one cell that the data list is 20 to 99. The operator can either enter from list OR type in whole value- there i
no problems with this cell accepting this
I have another cell that data list values are from 0 to 40 in 0.1 increments. I can pick a value from the drop dow
list BUT when manually typing a numerical value, I have a problem
I can enter ONLY the values 0, 0.1 or 0.2 and it will accept OK. But value higher such as 0.3, 1.2 give error messag
even though they are on the validation list
I am confused over this. Can anyone help?
My goal it to use data validation - list to allow an operator to enter a numerical value into a cell either by pickin
a value from the drop down list or manually type a value that is on the data validation list. My purpose is to avoi
the operator entering labels such as "77 years" instead of the number 77
I have one cell that the data list is 20 to 99. The operator can either enter from list OR type in whole value- there i
no problems with this cell accepting this
I have another cell that data list values are from 0 to 40 in 0.1 increments. I can pick a value from the drop dow
list BUT when manually typing a numerical value, I have a problem
I can enter ONLY the values 0, 0.1 or 0.2 and it will accept OK. But value higher such as 0.3, 1.2 give error messag
even though they are on the validation list
I am confused over this. Can anyone help?