Bernie Yaeger
I'm trying to identify a col in sql that is empty when calling the select
method of a datatable. For example:
For Each irow In dsspship.Tables(0).Select("(qrange_e - qrange_s) > 0 and
len(pubcode) > 0")
This doesn't work - if a row's qrange_e - qrange_s is greater than 0, I get
the row, even though pubcode is empty. When I change it:
For Each irow In dsspship.Tables(0).Select("(qrange_e - qrange_s) > 0 and
len(ltrim(pubcode)) > 0")
I get an error. Interestingly, both work just fine in sql query analyzer,
so there is clearly a difference between qa's acceptable syntax and the
..select method's syntax. Anyone know how to specify 'empty' (char variable)
in the select method?
Thanks for any help.
Bernie Yaeger
method of a datatable. For example:
For Each irow In dsspship.Tables(0).Select("(qrange_e - qrange_s) > 0 and
len(pubcode) > 0")
This doesn't work - if a row's qrange_e - qrange_s is greater than 0, I get
the row, even though pubcode is empty. When I change it:
For Each irow In dsspship.Tables(0).Select("(qrange_e - qrange_s) > 0 and
len(ltrim(pubcode)) > 0")
I get an error. Interestingly, both work just fine in sql query analyzer,
so there is clearly a difference between qa's acceptable syntax and the
..select method's syntax. Anyone know how to specify 'empty' (char variable)
in the select method?
Thanks for any help.
Bernie Yaeger