I am using the DataTable Select to filter my data on a date column within the data table, as follows
dr_DataRow = m_dt_ScheduleDataTable.Select("StartDate=#" & Format(dte_DiaryDate, "MM/dd/yyyy") & "#"
This would appear to intermittently return rows, and I can't see why it does sometimes and doesn't on other occasions. The data table I have has 136 rows and the date I am initially testing with matches 22 of these rows. On occasions all 22 are reurned, other times just some of these and at other times no rows
I also allow the user to filter on an integer column
dr_DataRow = m_dt_ScheduleDataTable.Select("InterpreterID=" & CType(int_Interpreter, String)
And this never seems to exhibit any problems so I think it must be a date issue. I am passing the string in in US format as you can see, although I am in UK and everything is in UK format, bit if I pass a date string in UK format it never returns rows and throws an error if I pass in a date which does not comply with US format e.g 16/05/2004, therefore leading me to believe that the Data table holds dates in US format regardless of all my system settings
Has anyone seen anthing like this
I am using the DataTable Select to filter my data on a date column within the data table, as follows
dr_DataRow = m_dt_ScheduleDataTable.Select("StartDate=#" & Format(dte_DiaryDate, "MM/dd/yyyy") & "#"
This would appear to intermittently return rows, and I can't see why it does sometimes and doesn't on other occasions. The data table I have has 136 rows and the date I am initially testing with matches 22 of these rows. On occasions all 22 are reurned, other times just some of these and at other times no rows
I also allow the user to filter on an integer column
dr_DataRow = m_dt_ScheduleDataTable.Select("InterpreterID=" & CType(int_Interpreter, String)
And this never seems to exhibit any problems so I think it must be a date issue. I am passing the string in in US format as you can see, although I am in UK and everything is in UK format, bit if I pass a date string in UK format it never returns rows and throws an error if I pass in a date which does not comply with US format e.g 16/05/2004, therefore leading me to believe that the Data table holds dates in US format regardless of all my system settings
Has anyone seen anthing like this