Below there's some code that reproduces the StackOverflowException I'm
getting. Any thoughts on what the reason might be?
If you use 500 as the value for maxLimit the exception just goes away :S
thanks in advance,
DataSet ds = new DataSet("ds");
DataTable dt = ds.Tables.Add("table");
dt.Columns.Add( "ID", typeof(int));
dt.Columns.Add( "IDUpper", typeof(int));
object[] b = new object[2];
string filter = "";
int maxLimit = 1000;
for (int i = 0; i <= maxLimit; i++){
b[0] = i;
b[1] = maxLimit - i;
if (filter.Length > 0){
filter = filter += " OR ";
filter = filter += string.Format("ID='{0}' AND IDUpper='{1}'", i,
maxLimit - i);
DataRow[] rows = dt.Select(filter);
Filipe said:
The filter expression I'm using is something like:
"Field1 = '1' AND Field2 = '5' OR Field1 = '2' AND Field2 = '6' OR
Field1 = '3' AND Field2 = '7' ..."
Haven't tried with a filter expression like the one you used but I've
removed all the spaces on both sides of the equal signs in my filter,
having reduced it to 57286 chars long. Still no luck though.
I'm begining to think it might have something to do with having too many
ORs and ANDs in the expression, rather than having to do with the
expression's length.
I'm going to try testing with less conditions in the expression and see
how it goes.
Mark Ashton wrote:
I'm not seeing any recursion issues based on the length of elements in
the filterExpression. Here is what I tried.
DataTable table = new DataTable();
table.Columns.Add("c1", typeof(string));
table.Rows.Add(new object[] { "hello world" });
DataRow[] rows = table.Select(string.Format("c1='{0}'", new
string('a', ((int)UInt16.MaxValue)+20)));
Console.WriteLine("{0}", rows.Length);
Hi all,
I've found something that I think might be a bug in the DataTable
I'm getting a StackOverflowException when executing the following
method, using a string parameter 64254 characters long:
DataTable.Select(string filterExpression)
Does anyone confirm this is a bug in DataTable.Select()?
Are there any known workarounds?
thanks in advance,