I've got a table in MsAccess with 100+ fields.
If I fill a tabletable with this table , change some values , get the
update-command via commandbuilder , the update fails.
This because the commandbuilder adds a where clause that contains all
the fields in the datatable ( to check whether the record has been
changed since the fill ).
Because MSAccess does not allow more then 99 fields in the where
clause, the update fails offcourse.
So I was trying to adapt the sqlcommend for update itself by replacing
the where clause with only a where of it's primary key.
But even then when you do the update-commend, the tableadapter add's
the whole where-clause again.
Is there a way to avoid that he uses this where-clause itself and only
add the primary key ( or maybe a where we can alter ourselfs )?
Sven Peeters
I've got a table in MsAccess with 100+ fields.
If I fill a tabletable with this table , change some values , get the
update-command via commandbuilder , the update fails.
This because the commandbuilder adds a where clause that contains all
the fields in the datatable ( to check whether the record has been
changed since the fill ).
Because MSAccess does not allow more then 99 fields in the where
clause, the update fails offcourse.
So I was trying to adapt the sqlcommend for update itself by replacing
the where clause with only a where of it's primary key.
But even then when you do the update-commend, the tableadapter add's
the whole where-clause again.
Is there a way to avoid that he uses this where-clause itself and only
add the primary key ( or maybe a where we can alter ourselfs )?
Sven Peeters