Datatable in ViewState... why does this work?

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I was suprised to see that you can put a DataTable into viewstate on a

Why does this work? I had understood that the DataTable was in
serializable, which I thought was a requirement of being stored in the
It is serializable.

public class DataTable : MarshalByValueComponent, IListSource,
ISupportInitialize, ISerializable
Microsoft has example code returning DataTable objects from web services?
Direct Email: Michael.Baltic@RemoveCharactersUpTo#NCMC.Com

Staff Consultant II
Enterprise Web Services
Cardinal Solutions Group
Are you asking IF they do, or stating THAT they do.

Direct Email: Michael.Baltic@RemoveCharacter­sUpTo#NCMC.Com

Staff Consultant II
Enterprise Web Services
Cardinal Solutions Group
I was stating that they do. I was questioning why you assumed this. In all
of the web services examples on msdn I have seen, they showed the performance
reasons why you would/wouldn't use a table/dataset.
Direct Email: Michael.Baltic@RemoveCharactersUpTo#NCMC.Com

Staff Consultant II
Enterprise Web Services
Cardinal Solutions Group