Using the GUI tools to have a Table Adapter's Fill& GetData proc point to a
SPROC in the database (or a function) works well if the proc is a Function
that has no parameters, OR if it is a proc and you are using SQL Server.
In my case, I want to use functions inside Oracle, and want to pass
parameters. First I tried using SPROC. Note I'm not trying to return a
cursor here - my goal is simply to get the SPROC to run.
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE getScreenByApparatus (parmapparatusID in varchar)
myCursor doe_pkg.TPI_Cursor;
open myCursor for
Select scr.screenID, scr.screenType,scr.Description, scr.userid
from screen scr, screenprocessstep sps
where sps.apparatusID = 1 -- parmApparatusID
and sps.screenID = scr.screenID;
end getScreenByApparatus;
--- End SQL ---
In the DataSet designer, I set the SCREENTableAdapter (attached to the
SCREEN object I dragged over) to use these values:
Command Text: getScreenbyApparatus
CommandType: StoredPrcocedure
ExecuteMode: Reader
DbType: AnsiString
Direction: Input
ProviderType: VarChar
I Right click Preview Data, select the table and procedure, and fill in the
Parameter (either Hi There, "Hi There" or "hiThere")
I then get back a dialog:
Could not be previewed:
ORA-6550: line 1 column 7: PLS-00306. wrong number or types of arguments in
ORA-6550:line 1, column 7
PL/SQL: Statement ignored.
(I know I have a select statement that's pointing into a cursor, and I've
tried this with an OUT cursor as the second parameter, OUT cursors as return
values, but will skip that discussion until I get the basics working).
This all works smashingly well in SQL Server.
What does it all mean?
However, when I create the
For example, my Oracle
SPROC in the database (or a function) works well if the proc is a Function
that has no parameters, OR if it is a proc and you are using SQL Server.
In my case, I want to use functions inside Oracle, and want to pass
parameters. First I tried using SPROC. Note I'm not trying to return a
cursor here - my goal is simply to get the SPROC to run.
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE getScreenByApparatus (parmapparatusID in varchar)
myCursor doe_pkg.TPI_Cursor;
open myCursor for
Select scr.screenID, scr.screenType,scr.Description, scr.userid
from screen scr, screenprocessstep sps
where sps.apparatusID = 1 -- parmApparatusID
and sps.screenID = scr.screenID;
end getScreenByApparatus;
--- End SQL ---
In the DataSet designer, I set the SCREENTableAdapter (attached to the
SCREEN object I dragged over) to use these values:
Command Text: getScreenbyApparatus
CommandType: StoredPrcocedure
ExecuteMode: Reader
DbType: AnsiString
Direction: Input
ProviderType: VarChar
I Right click Preview Data, select the table and procedure, and fill in the
Parameter (either Hi There, "Hi There" or "hiThere")
I then get back a dialog:
Could not be previewed:
ORA-6550: line 1 column 7: PLS-00306. wrong number or types of arguments in
ORA-6550:line 1, column 7
PL/SQL: Statement ignored.
(I know I have a select statement that's pointing into a cursor, and I've
tried this with an OUT cursor as the second parameter, OUT cursors as return
values, but will skip that discussion until I get the basics working).
This all works smashingly well in SQL Server.
What does it all mean?
However, when I create the
For example, my Oracle