I have a Access 2003 form with 3 combo boxes showing contents from 3
"cascading" tables from a sql server 2000:
|___ B
Content of the combo box B is populated depending on content of combo box
Content of the combo box C is populated depending on content of combo box
with vba coding like:
Dim strSQL As String
strSQL = "SELECT *, [ID B] AS Expr1, Descr AS Expr2 FROM WHERE [ID
A]= Me.A.Column(0)
Whenever an update occurs in combo box A, content of combo boxes B & C is
This works perfectly on both the "cascaded" combo boxes B & C.
Unfortunatelly, when working in datasheet view or continuos form view, the
updates of the blanked or updated combo boxes (B & C) occurs out of the
current record. Say I'm working on record 3 out of 5, changes occurs also on
record 1 & 2, even if the focus is set on record 3.
BTW only the displayed values are changing on the form, not the db content.
How to prevent this?
"cascading" tables from a sql server 2000:
|___ B
Content of the combo box B is populated depending on content of combo box
Content of the combo box C is populated depending on content of combo box
with vba coding like:
Dim strSQL As String
strSQL = "SELECT *, [ID B] AS Expr1, Descr AS Expr2 FROM WHERE [ID
A]= Me.A.Column(0)
Whenever an update occurs in combo box A, content of combo boxes B & C is
This works perfectly on both the "cascaded" combo boxes B & C.
Unfortunatelly, when working in datasheet view or continuos form view, the
updates of the blanked or updated combo boxes (B & C) occurs out of the
current record. Say I'm working on record 3 out of 5, changes occurs also on
record 1 & 2, even if the focus is set on record 3.
BTW only the displayed values are changing on the form, not the db content.
How to prevent this?