Datasheet form different at runtime than designer

  • Thread starter Thread starter Larry Marshall
  • Start date Start date

Larry Marshall

I am new to Access. I constructed a datasheet form drawn from one
table, with a three fields (A, B and C). I ran it and it looked as I
expected it to.

I then went back into the designer, moved B to the right of C (so it
should display A C B), made C 0" wide and Visible No.

When I run the form, it still displays A B C as if I hadn't changed
anything in the designer.

What am I missing here?

Thanks - Larry
The datasheet view is controlled by the tab order of the datasheet columns,
nothing to do with the placement or order of the fields shown as textboxes
in design view. There is a menu item to select and change them, or you can
just cleck and drag them to the correct order in run time view, and then
save the form.


Adrian Jansen
J & K MicroSystems
Microcomputer solutions for industrial control

Thanks for your response. Adjusting the tab order did the trick.

But I still don't understand why the third column is visible. It's
Visible attribute is set to No, and it's width is 0".

The column property in the datasheet, or the property of the field in design
view ?
I just drag the column I want hidden to zero width in datasheet view, then
save the form. Unless you have some code resetting the width, that should
hide it, although a user can always re-show it manually, unless you also
lock the column. The lack of good control over the datasheet view is why a
lot of designers dont like them. You can get almost the same look with
continuous form view, but it takes a bit of fiddling around.


Adrian Jansen
J & K MicroSystems
Microcomputer solutions for industrial control