Dataset Tablenames <- SQLHelper

  • Thread starter Thread starter Lucas Tam
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Lucas Tam

I'm not sure if this is a problem with Microsoft's Application Data Blocks,
but I am using a query like this:


The tablename property of my datasets are not being set - this causes a
problem with CrystalReports.

Is there a way to auto-set the Tablename in a dataset?

use FillDataset instead of ExecuteDataset. here's the signature on one of
them. as you can see, the tableNames() array is for this.

Public Overloads Shared Sub FillDataset(connectionString As String,
commandType As CommandType, commandText As String, dataSet As DataSet,
tableNames() As String)
use FillDataset instead of ExecuteDataset. here's the signature on
one of them. as you can see, the tableNames() array is for this.

Shoot, I was hoping there was some automatic way to pick up the table names
from the database. I'm using System.Reflection to dynamically instantiate
my functions, so any manual work is a bit hard to do.

Anyhow, thanks for your help!