dataset saving to sql ce

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I am attempting to save a dynamic dataset to sql ce, and am coming across a

In the supplied code, it creates the table, which appears to work ok. The
create table command is as follows:

"Create Table \"allbills\" (\"SacID\" NVarChar,\"LineNum\"
Int,\"DateTouched\" NVarChar,\"EstabCode\" NVarChar,\"MAWB\"
NVarChar,\"HAWB\" NVarChar,\"ArrivalDate\" NVarChar,\"Flight\"
NVarChar,\"GoodsDescription\" NVarChar,\"AIMSUpgraded\" Bit,\"FSResultCode\"
NVarChar,\"InspectResultCode\" NVarChar,\"SACOfficer\"
NVarChar,\"ReportableDocInd\" Bit,\"CountSACsWithinMAWB\"
Int,\"CountHAWBsWithinMAWB\" Int,\"HVLVCountSACsInMAWB\"
Int,\"HVLVCountHAWBsInMAWB\" Int,\"SID\" NVarChar Not Null Primary
Key,\"FSModified\" NVarChar,\"InspModified\" NVarChar,\"FSResultOriginal\"
NVarChar,\"InspectResultOriginal\" NVarChar,\"MAWBLevel\"
NVarChar,\"FSUploaded\" NVarChar,\"InspUploaded\" NVarChar)"

The code then generates an Insert Command that appears to be correct, and
assigns a set of parameters to this command.

"Insert Into \"allbills\"
Values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"

It then creates a dataadapter and assign this insert command to the
dataadapter, then runs dataadapter.update(table), which generates an
exception with the message "Update". Is the code using the Update method
correctly, any suggestions? Third party tools are not an option in this case.
(see source code below)

public static void storeDataToSQLCE( DataSet data, string dataFile )
if (File.Exists(dataFile)) // Get rid of existing database file

SqlCeEngine en = new SqlCeEngine("Data Source = " + dataFile ); //
Create new database engine
en.CreateDatabase(); // Create a new database
SqlCeConnection con = new SqlCeConnection("Data Source = " +
dataFile ); // Create a new connection
con.Open(); // Open this connection

foreach (DataTable table in data.Tables )
// Create tables one by one

SqlCeCommand cmd = con.CreateCommand();

// Prepare Create table command

StringBuilder command = new StringBuilder(1024); // Assume we have
pretty long command

command.Append("Create Table \"");

// Command string:
command.Append( table.TableName );
// Create Table "TableName" ("ColumnName" ColumnType, ... )
command.Append( "\" (");

foreach ( DataColumn c in table.Columns)
// Add all columns
command.Append ("\"");
command.Append (c.ColumnName); // Add column name
command.Append ("\" ");
command.Append (GetSQLTypeName(c.DataType)); // And column SQL type

// Add special column features:
// Identity(_seed, _increment) Autoincrement Could not set this as
column will be read only
// Primary Key Primary Key
// Default _value Sets default value
// Unique For unique columns
// Not Null Null is not allowed

if ( c.DefaultValue != DBNull.Value )
// Default value is set?
command.Append (String.Format(" Default '{0}'",

if ( !c.AllowDBNull )
// Could not be null ?
command.Append (" Not Null"); // Mark it as Not Null

if ( c.Unique )
{ // Unique column ?
DataColumn[] pk = table.PrimaryKey; // Get primry key column(s)
if ( pk != null && pk.Length > 1 ) // Only one column
allowed as a primary key in SQL CE
throw new System.Exception("Only one column allowed as a primary key
in SQL CE");

if ( null != pk && pk.Length == 1 && pk[0] == c)
{ // Primary key ?
command.Append (" Primary Key"); // Mark it as such
command.Append (" Unique"); // Mark it as unique

command.Append (','); // Add separator

command.Replace (',', ')', command.Length - 1, 1); // Replace last
comma with ')'

cmd.CommandText = command.ToString(); // Set command

// Console.WriteLine ("Create command: \n{0}", cmd.CommandText);

cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); // Do it - create a table

cmd.Parameters.Clear(); // Do some cleanup

// At this point we have a database with an empty table ready to be

SqlCeDataAdapter da = new SqlCeDataAdapter(); // Prepare data

command.Remove(0, command.Length); // Clean up old

command.Append ("Insert Into \""); // Insert command
command.Append ( table.TableName );
command.Append ("\" (");

foreach (DataColumn column in table.Columns)
{ // Add column names
command.Append ('"');
command.Append ( column.ColumnName );
command.Append ("\","); // Separated by commas

cmd.Parameters.Add("@" + column.ColumnName, // Add parameters to q
GetSQLType (column.DataType), column.MaxLength > 0 ? column.MaxLength
: 0, column.ColumnName);

command.Remove(command.Length - 1, 1); // Remove last comma

command.Append(") Values (");

for (int i = table.Columns.Count; i-- > 0; ) // Add correct
command.Append( "?,"); // of queston marks

command.Replace (',', ')', command.Length - 1, 1); // Replace last
comma with ')'

cmd.CommandText = command.ToString(); // Set insert command

da.InsertCommand = cmd; // Store our insert command

da.Update(table); // Update table in the SQL CE
catch (Exception ex)

cmd.Parameters.Clear(); // Do some cleanup

cmd = con.CreateCommand(); // Prepare Create table command
string vcommand = String.Format("select COUNT(*) from
cmd.CommandText = vcommand; // Set command

int count = (int)cmd.ExecuteScalar(); // Do it - create a table
if(count != table.Rows.Count)
Console.WriteLine("We did not store Expected number of records");
Console.WriteLine("Expected was {0}", table.Rows.Count);
Console.WriteLine("Actual was {0}",count);
throw new Exception("Error in Verification");


con.Close(); // Close connection.
Try specifying the da.UpdateCommand as well.
Also, what is the exception? SqlCeException? Other?

Alex Feinman
lang said:
I am attempting to save a dynamic dataset to sql ce, and am coming across a

In the supplied code, it creates the table, which appears to work ok. The
create table command is as follows:

"Create Table \"allbills\" (\"SacID\" NVarChar,\"LineNum\"
Int,\"DateTouched\" NVarChar,\"EstabCode\" NVarChar,\"MAWB\"
NVarChar,\"HAWB\" NVarChar,\"ArrivalDate\" NVarChar,\"Flight\"
NVarChar,\"GoodsDescription\" NVarChar,\"AIMSUpgraded\"
NVarChar,\"InspectResultCode\" NVarChar,\"SACOfficer\"
NVarChar,\"ReportableDocInd\" Bit,\"CountSACsWithinMAWB\"
Int,\"CountHAWBsWithinMAWB\" Int,\"HVLVCountSACsInMAWB\"
Int,\"HVLVCountHAWBsInMAWB\" Int,\"SID\" NVarChar Not Null Primary
Key,\"FSModified\" NVarChar,\"InspModified\" NVarChar,\"FSResultOriginal\"
NVarChar,\"InspectResultOriginal\" NVarChar,\"MAWBLevel\"
NVarChar,\"FSUploaded\" NVarChar,\"InspUploaded\" NVarChar)"

The code then generates an Insert Command that appears to be correct, and
assigns a set of parameters to this command.

"Insert Into \"allbills\"
Values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"

It then creates a dataadapter and assign this insert command to the
dataadapter, then runs dataadapter.update(table), which generates an
exception with the message "Update". Is the code using the Update method
correctly, any suggestions? Third party tools are not an option in this
(see source code below)

public static void storeDataToSQLCE( DataSet data, string dataFile )
if (File.Exists(dataFile)) // Get rid of existing database file

SqlCeEngine en = new SqlCeEngine("Data Source = " + dataFile ); //
Create new database engine
en.CreateDatabase(); // Create a new database
SqlCeConnection con = new SqlCeConnection("Data Source = " +
dataFile ); // Create a new connection
con.Open(); // Open this connection

foreach (DataTable table in data.Tables )
// Create tables one by one

SqlCeCommand cmd = con.CreateCommand();

// Prepare Create table command

StringBuilder command = new StringBuilder(1024); // Assume we have
pretty long command

command.Append("Create Table \"");

// Command string:
command.Append( table.TableName );
// Create Table "TableName" ("ColumnName" ColumnType, ... )
command.Append( "\" (");

foreach ( DataColumn c in table.Columns)
// Add all columns
command.Append ("\"");
command.Append (c.ColumnName); // Add column name
command.Append ("\" ");
command.Append (GetSQLTypeName(c.DataType)); // And column SQL type

// Add special column features:
// Identity(_seed, _increment) Autoincrement Could not set this as
column will be read only
// Primary Key Primary Key
// Default _value Sets default value
// Unique For unique columns
// Not Null Null is not allowed

if ( c.DefaultValue != DBNull.Value )
// Default value is set?
command.Append (String.Format(" Default '{0}'",

if ( !c.AllowDBNull )
// Could not be null ?
command.Append (" Not Null"); // Mark it as Not Null

if ( c.Unique )
{ // Unique column ?
DataColumn[] pk = table.PrimaryKey; // Get primry key column(s)
if ( pk != null && pk.Length > 1 ) // Only one column
allowed as a primary key in SQL CE
throw new System.Exception("Only one column allowed as a primary key
in SQL CE");

if ( null != pk && pk.Length == 1 && pk[0] == c)
{ // Primary key ?
command.Append (" Primary Key"); // Mark it as such
command.Append (" Unique"); // Mark it as unique

command.Append (','); // Add separator

command.Replace (',', ')', command.Length - 1, 1); // Replace last
comma with ')'

cmd.CommandText = command.ToString(); // Set command

// Console.WriteLine ("Create command: \n{0}", cmd.CommandText);

cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); // Do it - create a table

cmd.Parameters.Clear(); // Do some cleanup

// At this point we have a database with an empty table ready to be

SqlCeDataAdapter da = new SqlCeDataAdapter(); // Prepare data

command.Remove(0, command.Length); // Clean up old

command.Append ("Insert Into \""); // Insert command
command.Append ( table.TableName );
command.Append ("\" (");

foreach (DataColumn column in table.Columns)
{ // Add column names
command.Append ('"');
command.Append ( column.ColumnName );
command.Append ("\","); // Separated by commas

cmd.Parameters.Add("@" + column.ColumnName, // Add parameters to q
GetSQLType (column.DataType), column.MaxLength > 0 ? column.MaxLength
: 0, column.ColumnName);

command.Remove(command.Length - 1, 1); // Remove last comma

command.Append(") Values (");

for (int i = table.Columns.Count; i-- > 0; ) // Add correct
command.Append( "?,"); // of queston marks

command.Replace (',', ')', command.Length - 1, 1); // Replace last
comma with ')'

cmd.CommandText = command.ToString(); // Set insert command

da.InsertCommand = cmd; // Store our insert command

da.Update(table); // Update table in the SQL CE
catch (Exception ex)

cmd.Parameters.Clear(); // Do some cleanup

cmd = con.CreateCommand(); // Prepare Create table command
string vcommand = String.Format("select COUNT(*) from
cmd.CommandText = vcommand; // Set command

int count = (int)cmd.ExecuteScalar(); // Do it - create a table
if(count != table.Rows.Count)
Console.WriteLine("We did not store Expected number of records");
Console.WriteLine("Expected was {0}", table.Rows.Count);
Console.WriteLine("Actual was {0}",count);
throw new Exception("Error in Verification");


con.Close(); // Close connection.
I've looked through it but It's a bit crypic in my newsreader. What
specific exception are you getting? The first thing I'd do is verify the
Update statement's syntax. Grab it in the debugger and run it in CE's QUery
anaylzer (just make sure to fully close it afterward). For this one I'd
close the connection too after creating the table, and let the adapter open
and close it itself. To be honest, I'd just go ahead and use the same
syntax but cut down on the fields, just for testing to try to eliminate
things. That's a lot of string manipulation going on there and any number
of 'trivial' things could be causing the blow up

W.G. Ryan MVP Windows - Embedded

Have an opinion on the effectiveness of Microsoft Embedded newsgroups?
Let Microsoft know!
lang said:
I am attempting to save a dynamic dataset to sql ce, and am coming across a

In the supplied code, it creates the table, which appears to work ok. The
create table command is as follows:

"Create Table \"allbills\" (\"SacID\" NVarChar,\"LineNum\"
Int,\"DateTouched\" NVarChar,\"EstabCode\" NVarChar,\"MAWB\"
NVarChar,\"HAWB\" NVarChar,\"ArrivalDate\" NVarChar,\"Flight\"
NVarChar,\"GoodsDescription\" NVarChar,\"AIMSUpgraded\" Bit,\"FSResultCode\"
NVarChar,\"InspectResultCode\" NVarChar,\"SACOfficer\"
NVarChar,\"ReportableDocInd\" Bit,\"CountSACsWithinMAWB\"
Int,\"CountHAWBsWithinMAWB\" Int,\"HVLVCountSACsInMAWB\"
Int,\"HVLVCountHAWBsInMAWB\" Int,\"SID\" NVarChar Not Null Primary
Key,\"FSModified\" NVarChar,\"InspModified\" NVarChar,\"FSResultOriginal\"
NVarChar,\"InspectResultOriginal\" NVarChar,\"MAWBLevel\"
NVarChar,\"FSUploaded\" NVarChar,\"InspUploaded\" NVarChar)"

The code then generates an Insert Command that appears to be correct, and
assigns a set of parameters to this command.

"Insert Into \"allbills\"
Values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"

It then creates a dataadapter and assign this insert command to the
dataadapter, then runs dataadapter.update(table), which generates an
exception with the message "Update". Is the code using the Update method
correctly, any suggestions? Third party tools are not an option in this case.
(see source code below)

public static void storeDataToSQLCE( DataSet data, string dataFile )
if (File.Exists(dataFile)) // Get rid of existing database file

SqlCeEngine en = new SqlCeEngine("Data Source = " + dataFile ); //
Create new database engine
en.CreateDatabase(); // Create a new database
SqlCeConnection con = new SqlCeConnection("Data Source = " +
dataFile ); // Create a new connection
con.Open(); // Open this connection

foreach (DataTable table in data.Tables )
// Create tables one by one

SqlCeCommand cmd = con.CreateCommand();

// Prepare Create table command

StringBuilder command = new StringBuilder(1024); // Assume we have
pretty long command

command.Append("Create Table \"");

// Command string:
command.Append( table.TableName );
// Create Table "TableName" ("ColumnName" ColumnType, ... )
command.Append( "\" (");

foreach ( DataColumn c in table.Columns)
// Add all columns
command.Append ("\"");
command.Append (c.ColumnName); // Add column name
command.Append ("\" ");
command.Append (GetSQLTypeName(c.DataType)); // And column SQL type

// Add special column features:
// Identity(_seed, _increment) Autoincrement Could not set this as
column will be read only
// Primary Key Primary Key
// Default _value Sets default value
// Unique For unique columns
// Not Null Null is not allowed

if ( c.DefaultValue != DBNull.Value )
// Default value is set?
command.Append (String.Format(" Default '{0}'",

if ( !c.AllowDBNull )
// Could not be null ?
command.Append (" Not Null"); // Mark it as Not Null

if ( c.Unique )
{ // Unique column ?
DataColumn[] pk = table.PrimaryKey; // Get primry key column(s)
if ( pk != null && pk.Length > 1 ) // Only one column
allowed as a primary key in SQL CE
throw new System.Exception("Only one column allowed as a primary key
in SQL CE");

if ( null != pk && pk.Length == 1 && pk[0] == c)
{ // Primary key ?
command.Append (" Primary Key"); // Mark it as such
command.Append (" Unique"); // Mark it as unique

command.Append (','); // Add separator

command.Replace (',', ')', command.Length - 1, 1); // Replace last
comma with ')'

cmd.CommandText = command.ToString(); // Set command

// Console.WriteLine ("Create command: \n{0}", cmd.CommandText);

cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); // Do it - create a table

cmd.Parameters.Clear(); // Do some cleanup

// At this point we have a database with an empty table ready to be

SqlCeDataAdapter da = new SqlCeDataAdapter(); // Prepare data

command.Remove(0, command.Length); // Clean up old

command.Append ("Insert Into \""); // Insert command
command.Append ( table.TableName );
command.Append ("\" (");

foreach (DataColumn column in table.Columns)
{ // Add column names
command.Append ('"');
command.Append ( column.ColumnName );
command.Append ("\","); // Separated by commas

cmd.Parameters.Add("@" + column.ColumnName, // Add parameters to q
GetSQLType (column.DataType), column.MaxLength > 0 ? column.MaxLength
: 0, column.ColumnName);

command.Remove(command.Length - 1, 1); // Remove last comma

command.Append(") Values (");

for (int i = table.Columns.Count; i-- > 0; ) // Add correct
command.Append( "?,"); // of queston marks

command.Replace (',', ')', command.Length - 1, 1); // Replace last
comma with ')'

cmd.CommandText = command.ToString(); // Set insert command

da.InsertCommand = cmd; // Store our insert command

da.Update(table); // Update table in the SQL CE
catch (Exception ex)

cmd.Parameters.Clear(); // Do some cleanup

cmd = con.CreateCommand(); // Prepare Create table command
string vcommand = String.Format("select COUNT(*) from
cmd.CommandText = vcommand; // Set command

int count = (int)cmd.ExecuteScalar(); // Do it - create a table
if(count != table.Rows.Count)
Console.WriteLine("We did not store Expected number of records");
Console.WriteLine("Expected was {0}", table.Rows.Count);
Console.WriteLine("Actual was {0}",count);
throw new Exception("Error in Verification");


con.Close(); // Close connection.
The exception is of type "InvalidOperationException", and the message is
simply "Update" (and it is definitely when it is trying to run
DataAdapter.Update(table) - is that the correct way I should be using the
Update method?).

From what I can see there is an Insert command for the DataAdapter, but
there is no Update command. Is that meant to happen automatically, or do I
have to generate an Update command?

William Ryan eMVP said:
I've looked through it but It's a bit crypic in my newsreader. What
specific exception are you getting? The first thing I'd do is verify the
Update statement's syntax. Grab it in the debugger and run it in CE's QUery
anaylzer (just make sure to fully close it afterward). For this one I'd
close the connection too after creating the table, and let the adapter open
and close it itself. To be honest, I'd just go ahead and use the same
syntax but cut down on the fields, just for testing to try to eliminate
things. That's a lot of string manipulation going on there and any number
of 'trivial' things could be causing the blow up

W.G. Ryan MVP Windows - Embedded

Have an opinion on the effectiveness of Microsoft Embedded newsgroups?
Let Microsoft know!
lang said:
I am attempting to save a dynamic dataset to sql ce, and am coming across a

In the supplied code, it creates the table, which appears to work ok. The
create table command is as follows:

"Create Table \"allbills\" (\"SacID\" NVarChar,\"LineNum\"
Int,\"DateTouched\" NVarChar,\"EstabCode\" NVarChar,\"MAWB\"
NVarChar,\"HAWB\" NVarChar,\"ArrivalDate\" NVarChar,\"Flight\"
NVarChar,\"GoodsDescription\" NVarChar,\"AIMSUpgraded\" Bit,\"FSResultCode\"
NVarChar,\"InspectResultCode\" NVarChar,\"SACOfficer\"
NVarChar,\"ReportableDocInd\" Bit,\"CountSACsWithinMAWB\"
Int,\"CountHAWBsWithinMAWB\" Int,\"HVLVCountSACsInMAWB\"
Int,\"HVLVCountHAWBsInMAWB\" Int,\"SID\" NVarChar Not Null Primary
Key,\"FSModified\" NVarChar,\"InspModified\" NVarChar,\"FSResultOriginal\"
NVarChar,\"InspectResultOriginal\" NVarChar,\"MAWBLevel\"
NVarChar,\"FSUploaded\" NVarChar,\"InspUploaded\" NVarChar)"

The code then generates an Insert Command that appears to be correct, and
assigns a set of parameters to this command.

"Insert Into \"allbills\"
Values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"

It then creates a dataadapter and assign this insert command to the
dataadapter, then runs dataadapter.update(table), which generates an
exception with the message "Update". Is the code using the Update method
correctly, any suggestions? Third party tools are not an option in this case.
(see source code below)

public static void storeDataToSQLCE( DataSet data, string dataFile )
if (File.Exists(dataFile)) // Get rid of existing database file

SqlCeEngine en = new SqlCeEngine("Data Source = " + dataFile ); //
Create new database engine
en.CreateDatabase(); // Create a new database
SqlCeConnection con = new SqlCeConnection("Data Source = " +
dataFile ); // Create a new connection
con.Open(); // Open this connection

foreach (DataTable table in data.Tables )
// Create tables one by one

SqlCeCommand cmd = con.CreateCommand();

// Prepare Create table command

StringBuilder command = new StringBuilder(1024); // Assume we have
pretty long command

command.Append("Create Table \"");

// Command string:
command.Append( table.TableName );
// Create Table "TableName" ("ColumnName" ColumnType, ... )
command.Append( "\" (");

foreach ( DataColumn c in table.Columns)
// Add all columns
command.Append ("\"");
command.Append (c.ColumnName); // Add column name
command.Append ("\" ");
command.Append (GetSQLTypeName(c.DataType)); // And column SQL type

// Add special column features:
// Identity(_seed, _increment) Autoincrement Could not set this as
column will be read only
// Primary Key Primary Key
// Default _value Sets default value
// Unique For unique columns
// Not Null Null is not allowed

if ( c.DefaultValue != DBNull.Value )
// Default value is set?
command.Append (String.Format(" Default '{0}'",

if ( !c.AllowDBNull )
// Could not be null ?
command.Append (" Not Null"); // Mark it as Not Null

if ( c.Unique )
{ // Unique column ?
DataColumn[] pk = table.PrimaryKey; // Get primry key column(s)
if ( pk != null && pk.Length > 1 ) // Only one column
allowed as a primary key in SQL CE
throw new System.Exception("Only one column allowed as a primary key
in SQL CE");

if ( null != pk && pk.Length == 1 && pk[0] == c)
{ // Primary key ?
command.Append (" Primary Key"); // Mark it as such
command.Append (" Unique"); // Mark it as unique

command.Append (','); // Add separator

command.Replace (',', ')', command.Length - 1, 1); // Replace last
comma with ')'

cmd.CommandText = command.ToString(); // Set command

// Console.WriteLine ("Create command: \n{0}", cmd.CommandText);

cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); // Do it - create a table

cmd.Parameters.Clear(); // Do some cleanup

// At this point we have a database with an empty table ready to be

SqlCeDataAdapter da = new SqlCeDataAdapter(); // Prepare data

command.Remove(0, command.Length); // Clean up old

command.Append ("Insert Into \""); // Insert command
command.Append ( table.TableName );
command.Append ("\" (");

foreach (DataColumn column in table.Columns)
{ // Add column names
command.Append ('"');
command.Append ( column.ColumnName );
command.Append ("\","); // Separated by commas

cmd.Parameters.Add("@" + column.ColumnName, // Add parameters to q
GetSQLType (column.DataType), column.MaxLength > 0 ? column.MaxLength
: 0, column.ColumnName);

command.Remove(command.Length - 1, 1); // Remove last comma

command.Append(") Values (");

for (int i = table.Columns.Count; i-- > 0; ) // Add correct
command.Append( "?,"); // of queston marks

command.Replace (',', ')', command.Length - 1, 1); // Replace last
comma with ')'

cmd.CommandText = command.ToString(); // Set insert command

da.InsertCommand = cmd; // Store our insert command

da.Update(table); // Update table in the SQL CE
catch (Exception ex)

cmd.Parameters.Clear(); // Do some cleanup

cmd = con.CreateCommand(); // Prepare Create table command
string vcommand = String.Format("select COUNT(*) from
cmd.CommandText = vcommand; // Set command

int count = (int)cmd.ExecuteScalar(); // Do it - create a table
if(count != table.Rows.Count)
Console.WriteLine("We did not store Expected number of records");
Console.WriteLine("Expected was {0}", table.Rows.Count);
Console.WriteLine("Actual was {0}",count);
throw new Exception("Error in Verification");


con.Close(); // Close connection.
I suggest you temprorily turn off integrity checking prior to doing the update
then turning it back on after the update.
You can do the following:
ds.EnforceConstraints = false;
storeDataToSQLCE( ds, "foo.sdf" );
ds.EnforceConstraints = true;

lang said:
The exception is of type "InvalidOperationException", and the message is
simply "Update" (and it is definitely when it is trying to run
DataAdapter.Update(table) - is that the correct way I should be using the
Update method?).

From what I can see there is an Insert command for the DataAdapter, but
there is no Update command. Is that meant to happen automatically, or do I
have to generate an Update command?

William Ryan eMVP said:
I've looked through it but It's a bit crypic in my newsreader. What
specific exception are you getting? The first thing I'd do is verify the
Update statement's syntax. Grab it in the debugger and run it in CE's QUery
anaylzer (just make sure to fully close it afterward). For this one I'd
close the connection too after creating the table, and let the adapter open
and close it itself. To be honest, I'd just go ahead and use the same
syntax but cut down on the fields, just for testing to try to eliminate
things. That's a lot of string manipulation going on there and any number
of 'trivial' things could be causing the blow up

W.G. Ryan MVP Windows - Embedded

Have an opinion on the effectiveness of Microsoft Embedded newsgroups?
Let Microsoft know!
lang said:
I am attempting to save a dynamic dataset to sql ce, and am coming across a

In the supplied code, it creates the table, which appears to work ok. The
create table command is as follows:

"Create Table \"allbills\" (\"SacID\" NVarChar,\"LineNum\"
Int,\"DateTouched\" NVarChar,\"EstabCode\" NVarChar,\"MAWB\"
NVarChar,\"HAWB\" NVarChar,\"ArrivalDate\" NVarChar,\"Flight\"
NVarChar,\"GoodsDescription\" NVarChar,\"AIMSUpgraded\" Bit,\"FSResultCode\"
NVarChar,\"InspectResultCode\" NVarChar,\"SACOfficer\"
NVarChar,\"ReportableDocInd\" Bit,\"CountSACsWithinMAWB\"
Int,\"CountHAWBsWithinMAWB\" Int,\"HVLVCountSACsInMAWB\"
Int,\"HVLVCountHAWBsInMAWB\" Int,\"SID\" NVarChar Not Null Primary
Key,\"FSModified\" NVarChar,\"InspModified\" NVarChar,\"FSResultOriginal\"
NVarChar,\"InspectResultOriginal\" NVarChar,\"MAWBLevel\"
NVarChar,\"FSUploaded\" NVarChar,\"InspUploaded\" NVarChar)"

The code then generates an Insert Command that appears to be correct, and
assigns a set of parameters to this command.

"Insert Into \"allbills\"
Values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"

It then creates a dataadapter and assign this insert command to the
dataadapter, then runs dataadapter.update(table), which generates an
exception with the message "Update". Is the code using the Update method
correctly, any suggestions? Third party tools are not an option in this case.
(see source code below)

public static void storeDataToSQLCE( DataSet data, string dataFile )
if (File.Exists(dataFile)) // Get rid of existing database file

SqlCeEngine en = new SqlCeEngine("Data Source = " + dataFile ); //
Create new database engine
en.CreateDatabase(); // Create a new database
SqlCeConnection con = new SqlCeConnection("Data Source = " +
dataFile ); // Create a new connection
con.Open(); // Open this connection

foreach (DataTable table in data.Tables )
// Create tables one by one

SqlCeCommand cmd = con.CreateCommand();

// Prepare Create table command

StringBuilder command = new StringBuilder(1024); // Assume we have
pretty long command

command.Append("Create Table \"");

// Command string:
command.Append( table.TableName );
// Create Table "TableName" ("ColumnName" ColumnType, ... )
command.Append( "\" (");

foreach ( DataColumn c in table.Columns)
// Add all columns
command.Append ("\"");
command.Append (c.ColumnName); // Add column name
command.Append ("\" ");
command.Append (GetSQLTypeName(c.DataType)); // And column SQL type

// Add special column features:
// Identity(_seed, _increment) Autoincrement Could not set this as
column will be read only
// Primary Key Primary Key
// Default _value Sets default value
// Unique For unique columns
// Not Null Null is not allowed

if ( c.DefaultValue != DBNull.Value )
// Default value is set?
command.Append (String.Format(" Default '{0}'",

if ( !c.AllowDBNull )
// Could not be null ?
command.Append (" Not Null"); // Mark it as Not Null

if ( c.Unique )
{ // Unique column ?
DataColumn[] pk = table.PrimaryKey; // Get primry key column(s)
if ( pk != null && pk.Length > 1 ) // Only one column
allowed as a primary key in SQL CE
throw new System.Exception("Only one column allowed as a primary key
in SQL CE");

if ( null != pk && pk.Length == 1 && pk[0] == c)
{ // Primary key ?
command.Append (" Primary Key"); // Mark it as such
command.Append (" Unique"); // Mark it as unique

command.Append (','); // Add separator

command.Replace (',', ')', command.Length - 1, 1); // Replace last
comma with ')'

cmd.CommandText = command.ToString(); // Set command

// Console.WriteLine ("Create command: \n{0}", cmd.CommandText);

cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); // Do it - create a table

cmd.Parameters.Clear(); // Do some cleanup

// At this point we have a database with an empty table ready to be

SqlCeDataAdapter da = new SqlCeDataAdapter(); // Prepare data

command.Remove(0, command.Length); // Clean up old

command.Append ("Insert Into \""); // Insert command
command.Append ( table.TableName );
command.Append ("\" (");

foreach (DataColumn column in table.Columns)
{ // Add column names
command.Append ('"');
command.Append ( column.ColumnName );
command.Append ("\","); // Separated by commas

cmd.Parameters.Add("@" + column.ColumnName, // Add parameters to q
GetSQLType (column.DataType), column.MaxLength > 0 ? column.MaxLength
: 0, column.ColumnName);

command.Remove(command.Length - 1, 1); // Remove last comma

command.Append(") Values (");

for (int i = table.Columns.Count; i-- > 0; ) // Add correct
command.Append( "?,"); // of queston marks

command.Replace (',', ')', command.Length - 1, 1); // Replace last
comma with ')'

cmd.CommandText = command.ToString(); // Set insert command

da.InsertCommand = cmd; // Store our insert command

da.Update(table); // Update table in the SQL CE
catch (Exception ex)

cmd.Parameters.Clear(); // Do some cleanup

cmd = con.CreateCommand(); // Prepare Create table command
string vcommand = String.Format("select COUNT(*) from
cmd.CommandText = vcommand; // Set command

int count = (int)cmd.ExecuteScalar(); // Do it - create a table
if(count != table.Rows.Count)
Console.WriteLine("We did not store Expected number of records");
Console.WriteLine("Expected was {0}", table.Rows.Count);
Console.WriteLine("Actual was {0}",count);
throw new Exception("Error in Verification");


con.Close(); // Close connection.
no change

Mark Ihimoyan said:
I suggest you temprorily turn off integrity checking prior to doing the update
then turning it back on after the update.
You can do the following:
ds.EnforceConstraints = false;
storeDataToSQLCE( ds, "foo.sdf" );
ds.EnforceConstraints = true;

lang said:
The exception is of type "InvalidOperationException", and the message is
simply "Update" (and it is definitely when it is trying to run
DataAdapter.Update(table) - is that the correct way I should be using the
Update method?).

From what I can see there is an Insert command for the DataAdapter, but
there is no Update command. Is that meant to happen automatically, or do I
have to generate an Update command?

William Ryan eMVP said:
I've looked through it but It's a bit crypic in my newsreader. What
specific exception are you getting? The first thing I'd do is verify the
Update statement's syntax. Grab it in the debugger and run it in CE's QUery
anaylzer (just make sure to fully close it afterward). For this one I'd
close the connection too after creating the table, and let the adapter open
and close it itself. To be honest, I'd just go ahead and use the same
syntax but cut down on the fields, just for testing to try to eliminate
things. That's a lot of string manipulation going on there and any number
of 'trivial' things could be causing the blow up

W.G. Ryan MVP Windows - Embedded

Have an opinion on the effectiveness of Microsoft Embedded newsgroups?
Let Microsoft know!
I am attempting to save a dynamic dataset to sql ce, and am coming across

In the supplied code, it creates the table, which appears to work ok. The
create table command is as follows:

"Create Table \"allbills\" (\"SacID\" NVarChar,\"LineNum\"
Int,\"DateTouched\" NVarChar,\"EstabCode\" NVarChar,\"MAWB\"
NVarChar,\"HAWB\" NVarChar,\"ArrivalDate\" NVarChar,\"Flight\"
NVarChar,\"GoodsDescription\" NVarChar,\"AIMSUpgraded\"
NVarChar,\"InspectResultCode\" NVarChar,\"SACOfficer\"
NVarChar,\"ReportableDocInd\" Bit,\"CountSACsWithinMAWB\"
Int,\"CountHAWBsWithinMAWB\" Int,\"HVLVCountSACsInMAWB\"
Int,\"HVLVCountHAWBsInMAWB\" Int,\"SID\" NVarChar Not Null Primary
Key,\"FSModified\" NVarChar,\"InspModified\" NVarChar,\"FSResultOriginal\"
NVarChar,\"InspectResultOriginal\" NVarChar,\"MAWBLevel\"
NVarChar,\"FSUploaded\" NVarChar,\"InspUploaded\" NVarChar)"

The code then generates an Insert Command that appears to be correct, and
assigns a set of parameters to this command.

"Insert Into \"allbills\"

Values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"

It then creates a dataadapter and assign this insert command to the
dataadapter, then runs dataadapter.update(table), which generates an
exception with the message "Update". Is the code using the Update method
correctly, any suggestions? Third party tools are not an option in this
(see source code below)

public static void storeDataToSQLCE( DataSet data, string dataFile )
if (File.Exists(dataFile)) // Get rid of existing database file

SqlCeEngine en = new SqlCeEngine("Data Source = " + dataFile ); //
Create new database engine
en.CreateDatabase(); // Create a new database
SqlCeConnection con = new SqlCeConnection("Data Source = " +
dataFile ); // Create a new connection
con.Open(); // Open this connection

foreach (DataTable table in data.Tables )
// Create tables one by one

SqlCeCommand cmd = con.CreateCommand();

// Prepare Create table command

StringBuilder command = new StringBuilder(1024); // Assume we have
pretty long command

command.Append("Create Table \"");

// Command string:
command.Append( table.TableName );
// Create Table "TableName" ("ColumnName" ColumnType, ... )
command.Append( "\" (");

foreach ( DataColumn c in table.Columns)
// Add all columns
command.Append ("\"");
command.Append (c.ColumnName); // Add column name
command.Append ("\" ");
command.Append (GetSQLTypeName(c.DataType)); // And column SQL type

// Add special column features:
// Identity(_seed, _increment) Autoincrement Could not set this as
column will be read only
// Primary Key Primary Key
// Default _value Sets default value
// Unique For unique columns
// Not Null Null is not allowed

if ( c.DefaultValue != DBNull.Value )
// Default value is set?
command.Append (String.Format(" Default '{0}'",

if ( !c.AllowDBNull )
// Could not be null ?
command.Append (" Not Null"); // Mark it as Not Null

if ( c.Unique )
{ // Unique column ?
DataColumn[] pk = table.PrimaryKey; // Get primry key column(s)
if ( pk != null && pk.Length > 1 ) // Only one column
allowed as a primary key in SQL CE
throw new System.Exception("Only one column allowed as a primary key
in SQL CE");

if ( null != pk && pk.Length == 1 && pk[0] == c)
{ // Primary key ?
command.Append (" Primary Key"); // Mark it as such
command.Append (" Unique"); // Mark it as unique

command.Append (','); // Add separator

command.Replace (',', ')', command.Length - 1, 1); // Replace last
comma with ')'

cmd.CommandText = command.ToString(); // Set command

// Console.WriteLine ("Create command: \n{0}", cmd.CommandText);

cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); // Do it - create a table

cmd.Parameters.Clear(); // Do some cleanup

// At this point we have a database with an empty table ready to be

SqlCeDataAdapter da = new SqlCeDataAdapter(); // Prepare data

command.Remove(0, command.Length); // Clean up old

command.Append ("Insert Into \""); // Insert command
command.Append ( table.TableName );
command.Append ("\" (");

foreach (DataColumn column in table.Columns)
{ // Add column names
command.Append ('"');
command.Append ( column.ColumnName );
command.Append ("\","); // Separated by commas

cmd.Parameters.Add("@" + column.ColumnName, // Add parameters to q
GetSQLType (column.DataType), column.MaxLength > 0 ? column.MaxLength
: 0, column.ColumnName);

command.Remove(command.Length - 1, 1); // Remove last comma

command.Append(") Values (");

for (int i = table.Columns.Count; i-- > 0; ) // Add correct
command.Append( "?,"); // of queston marks

command.Replace (',', ')', command.Length - 1, 1); // Replace last
comma with ')'

cmd.CommandText = command.ToString(); // Set insert command

da.InsertCommand = cmd; // Store our insert command

da.Update(table); // Update table in the SQL CE
catch (Exception ex)

cmd.Parameters.Clear(); // Do some cleanup

cmd = con.CreateCommand(); // Prepare Create table command
string vcommand = String.Format("select COUNT(*) from
cmd.CommandText = vcommand; // Set command

int count = (int)cmd.ExecuteScalar(); // Do it - create a table
if(count != table.Rows.Count)
Console.WriteLine("We did not store Expected number of records");
Console.WriteLine("Expected was {0}", table.Rows.Count);
Console.WriteLine("Actual was {0}",count);
throw new Exception("Error in Verification");


con.Close(); // Close connection.
Please do the following.
Write out the Xml data and schema from the dataset into a file and attach
it so I can investigate this further.

Use this overload with XmlWriteMode.WriteSchema.
DataSet.WriteXml(XmlWriter writer,XmlWriteMode mode)

The code you're using was never designed to put arbitrary DataSet into the
SQL CE. It would work correctly only in some specific cases.
I would suggest disregarding it and creating your own implementation so you
would know exactly how it works and what it can/can not do.

Best regards,


This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

Thread-Topic: dataset saving to sql ce
thread-index: AcSlLIumeCiP1KiaQ6ClgA3o85UC2Q==
From: "=?Utf-8?B?bGFuZw==?=" <[email protected]>
References: <[email protected]>
<[email protected]>
Subject: Re: dataset saving to sql ce
Date: Tue, 28 Sep 2004 00:27:01 -0700
Lines: 262
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
X-Newsreader: Microsoft CDO for Windows 2000
Content-Class: urn:content-classes:message
Importance: normal
Priority: normal
X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.3790.0
Newsgroups: microsoft.public.dotnet.framework.compactframework
NNTP-Posting-Host: TK2MSFTNGXA03.phx.gbl
Path: cpmsftngxa06.phx.gbl!TK2MSFTNGXA03.phx.gbl
Xref: cpmsftngxa06.phx.gbl microsoft.public.dotnet.framework.compactframework:62143
X-Tomcat-NG: microsoft.public.dotnet.framework.compactframework

no change

Mark Ihimoyan said:
I suggest you temprorily turn off integrity checking prior to doing the update
then turning it back on after the update.
You can do the following:
ds.EnforceConstraints = false;
storeDataToSQLCE( ds, "foo.sdf" );
ds.EnforceConstraints = true;

lang said:
The exception is of type "InvalidOperationException", and the message is
simply "Update" (and it is definitely when it is trying to run
DataAdapter.Update(table) - is that the correct way I should be using the
Update method?).

From what I can see there is an Insert command for the DataAdapter, but
there is no Update command. Is that meant to happen automatically, or do I
have to generate an Update command?


I've looked through it but It's a bit crypic in my newsreader. What
specific exception are you getting? The first thing I'd do is verify the
Update statement's syntax. Grab it in the debugger and run it in CE's QUery
anaylzer (just make sure to fully close it afterward). For this one I'd
close the connection too after creating the table, and let the adapter open
and close it itself. To be honest, I'd just go ahead and use the same
syntax but cut down on the fields, just for testing to try to eliminate
things. That's a lot of string manipulation going on there and any number
of 'trivial' things could be causing the blow up

W.G. Ryan MVP Windows - Embedded

Have an opinion on the effectiveness of Microsoft Embedded newsgroups?
Let Microsoft know!
I am attempting to save a dynamic dataset to sql ce, and am coming across

In the supplied code, it creates the table, which appears to work ok. The
create table command is as follows:

"Create Table \"allbills\" (\"SacID\" NVarChar,\"LineNum\"
Int,\"DateTouched\" NVarChar,\"EstabCode\" NVarChar,\"MAWB\"
NVarChar,\"HAWB\" NVarChar,\"ArrivalDate\" NVarChar,\"Flight\"
NVarChar,\"GoodsDescription\" NVarChar,\"AIMSUpgraded\"
NVarChar,\"InspectResultCode\" NVarChar,\"SACOfficer\"
NVarChar,\"ReportableDocInd\" Bit,\"CountSACsWithinMAWB\"
Int,\"CountHAWBsWithinMAWB\" Int,\"HVLVCountSACsInMAWB\"
Int,\"HVLVCountHAWBsInMAWB\" Int,\"SID\" NVarChar Not Null Primary
Key,\"FSModified\" NVarChar,\"InspModified\" NVarChar,\"FSResultOriginal\"
NVarChar,\"InspectResultOriginal\" NVarChar,\"MAWBLevel\"
NVarChar,\"FSUploaded\" NVarChar,\"InspUploaded\" NVarChar)"

The code then generates an Insert Command that appears to be correct, and
assigns a set of parameters to this command.

"Insert Into \"allbills\"

Values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"

It then creates a dataadapter and assign this insert command to the
dataadapter, then runs dataadapter.update(table), which generates an
exception with the message "Update". Is the code using the Update method
correctly, any suggestions? Third party tools are not an option in this
(see source code below)

public static void storeDataToSQLCE( DataSet data, string dataFile )
if (File.Exists(dataFile)) // Get rid of existing database file

SqlCeEngine en = new SqlCeEngine("Data Source = " + dataFile ); //
Create new database engine
en.CreateDatabase(); // Create a new database
SqlCeConnection con = new SqlCeConnection("Data Source = " +
dataFile ); // Create a new connection
con.Open(); // Open this connection

foreach (DataTable table in data.Tables )
// Create tables one by one

SqlCeCommand cmd = con.CreateCommand();

// Prepare Create table command

StringBuilder command = new StringBuilder(1024); // Assume we have
pretty long command

command.Append("Create Table \"");

// Command string:
command.Append( table.TableName );
// Create Table "TableName" ("ColumnName" ColumnType, ... )
command.Append( "\" (");

foreach ( DataColumn c in table.Columns)
// Add all columns
command.Append ("\"");
command.Append (c.ColumnName); // Add column name
command.Append ("\" ");
command.Append (GetSQLTypeName(c.DataType)); // And column SQL type

// Add special column features:
// Identity(_seed, _increment) Autoincrement Could not set this as
column will be read only
// Primary Key Primary Key
// Default _value Sets default value
// Unique For unique columns
// Not Null Null is not allowed

if ( c.DefaultValue != DBNull.Value )
// Default value is set?
command.Append (String.Format(" Default '{0}'",

if ( !c.AllowDBNull )
// Could not be null ?
command.Append (" Not Null"); // Mark it as Not Null

if ( c.Unique )
{ // Unique column ?
DataColumn[] pk = table.PrimaryKey; // Get primry key column(s)
if ( pk != null && pk.Length > 1 ) // Only one column
allowed as a primary key in SQL CE
throw new System.Exception("Only one column allowed as a primary key
in SQL CE");

if ( null != pk && pk.Length == 1 && pk[0] == c)
{ // Primary key ?
command.Append (" Primary Key"); // Mark it as such
command.Append (" Unique"); // Mark it as unique

command.Append (','); // Add separator

command.Replace (',', ')', command.Length - 1, 1); // Replace last
comma with ')'

cmd.CommandText = command.ToString(); // Set command

// Console.WriteLine ("Create command: \n{0}", cmd.CommandText);

cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); // Do it - create a table

cmd.Parameters.Clear(); // Do some cleanup

// At this point we have a database with an empty table ready to be

SqlCeDataAdapter da = new SqlCeDataAdapter(); // Prepare data

command.Remove(0, command.Length); // Clean up old

command.Append ("Insert Into \""); // Insert command
command.Append ( table.TableName );
command.Append ("\" (");

foreach (DataColumn column in table.Columns)
{ // Add column names
command.Append ('"');
command.Append ( column.ColumnName );
command.Append ("\","); // Separated by commas

cmd.Parameters.Add("@" + column.ColumnName, // Add parameters to q
GetSQLType (column.DataType), column.MaxLength > 0 ? column.MaxLength
: 0, column.ColumnName);

command.Remove(command.Length - 1, 1); // Remove last comma

command.Append(") Values (");

for (int i = table.Columns.Count; i-- > 0; ) // Add correct
command.Append( "?,"); // of queston marks

command.Replace (',', ')', command.Length - 1, 1); // Replace last
comma with ')'

cmd.CommandText = command.ToString(); // Set insert command

da.InsertCommand = cmd; // Store our insert command

da.Update(table); // Update table in the SQL CE
catch (Exception ex)

cmd.Parameters.Clear(); // Do some cleanup

cmd = con.CreateCommand(); // Prepare Create table command
string vcommand = String.Format("select COUNT(*) from
cmd.CommandText = vcommand; // Set command

int count = (int)cmd.ExecuteScalar(); // Do it - create a table
if(count != table.Rows.Count)
Console.WriteLine("We did not store Expected number of records");
Console.WriteLine("Expected was {0}", table.Rows.Count);
Console.WriteLine("Actual was {0}",count);
throw new Exception("Error in Verification");


con.Close(); // Close connection.
Ilya is right.
The code is not meant to be a one size fit all but more or less something
to serve as a baseline for you to build your own implementation.
It would only work in a case where all the rows in the constituent tables
of the dataset were newly created and all the update had to do is to insert
all new rows, Obviously this is not the situation you are facing and you
would have to generate your own update logic.
See the sample chapter from the book ADO.NET core reference for some
helpful pointers on how to do this

found out what the issue was.

I am returning a dataset from a webservice, adding a few columns to this
dataset. As soon as I do that, the rowstate changes to modified. When I call
da.Update, it is running the update command, and because the data isn't in
the database yet, it is throwing an exception.

Simple solution (because this is all I am using the database for -
persisting the dataset) was to set the UpdateCommand on the DataAdapter to
the insert command.

Appears to work fine, and works a lot quicker than writing the dataset to
xml (which is the original reason why i have had to go down the path of sql

thanks for your help, it certainly pushed me in the right direction.