I have tried to find information on this subject, and several posts has
taken it up but none has given me the answer I need. I believe it's my lack
of AcceptChanges()-calls that is the reason for my problem but I can't seem
to realize when to make them.
I use custom sql-queries for my SqlCeAdapter commands. Everything works just
fine, I can add, update and select, but I can't delete! Or, the deletions
made in the datatable is not reflected in the database for some reason.
I use a DataSet in which I have only one table. I fill the table with the
Fill() method of the SqlCeDataAdapter class setting the only parameter
needed for the select query. The data is displayed in a datagrid. I add a
row by simply setting the required parameters of the Insert sql-query and
execute the Update() method of the adapter. This works fine. I do not call
AcceptChanges(), and the data is inserted into the database.
If I then want to remove a row in the datatable I use the RemoveAt(indx)
method and this works fine on the datatable, i.e. data is removed from the
datatable. I then call adapter.Update() method to make sure the database is
updated as well, but this is where I have no luck.
The code below explains how I have intialized the datatable and adapter, and
how I call the different methods in order to remove and add data. What am I
doing wrong here? Where should the acceptchanges() be inserted?
public void InitializeDataSet()
dsStolp = new DataSet("STOLP");
dtFel = new DataTable("FEL");
// STOLPNR is used to identify a set of fel
// Select command text = "SELECT ... all columns ... FROM FEL WHERE STOLPNR
= ?"
// Delete command
// LOPNR is the primary key of the fel-table
// sqlConn is an open SqlCeConnection
string delTxt = "DELETE FROM FEL WHERE LOPNR = ?";
SqlCeCommand sqlFelDelCmd = new SqlCeCommand( delTxt, sqlConn );
sqlFelDelCmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlCeParameter("lopnr", SqlDbType.Int, 0,
"lopnr") );
sqlAdaptFel = new SqlCeDataAdapter("", sqlConn);
// The commands are created elsewhere...
sqlAdaptFel.SelectCommand = sqlFelSelCmd;
sqlAdaptFel.UpdateCommand = sqlFelUpdCmd;
sqlAdaptFel.InsertCommand = sqlFelInsCmd;
sqlAdaptFel.DeleteCommand = sqlFelDelCmd;
// Save all changes to db
public void SaveFelDataToDb()
// Delete fel
public void DelFelFromTable( )
int rowIndx = this.dGridFel.CurrentRowIndex;
dtFel.Rows.RemoveAt( rowIndx );
SaveFelDataToDb(); // Update changes
// Get fel-subset from db
public void GetFelDataFromDb( int stolpnr )
// lopnr is primary key of the fel-table
sqlFelSelCmd.Parameters["stolpnr"].Value = stolpnr;
sqlAdaptFel.Fill( dtFel );
// Add fel
public static void AddRowToFelTable( )
DataRow row = DataBase.dtFel.NewRow();
... Add values to all required fields ...
dtFel.Rows.Add( row );
DataBase.SaveFelDataToDb(); // Update changes
I have tried to find information on this subject, and several posts has
taken it up but none has given me the answer I need. I believe it's my lack
of AcceptChanges()-calls that is the reason for my problem but I can't seem
to realize when to make them.
I use custom sql-queries for my SqlCeAdapter commands. Everything works just
fine, I can add, update and select, but I can't delete! Or, the deletions
made in the datatable is not reflected in the database for some reason.
I use a DataSet in which I have only one table. I fill the table with the
Fill() method of the SqlCeDataAdapter class setting the only parameter
needed for the select query. The data is displayed in a datagrid. I add a
row by simply setting the required parameters of the Insert sql-query and
execute the Update() method of the adapter. This works fine. I do not call
AcceptChanges(), and the data is inserted into the database.
If I then want to remove a row in the datatable I use the RemoveAt(indx)
method and this works fine on the datatable, i.e. data is removed from the
datatable. I then call adapter.Update() method to make sure the database is
updated as well, but this is where I have no luck.
The code below explains how I have intialized the datatable and adapter, and
how I call the different methods in order to remove and add data. What am I
doing wrong here? Where should the acceptchanges() be inserted?
public void InitializeDataSet()
dsStolp = new DataSet("STOLP");
dtFel = new DataTable("FEL");
// STOLPNR is used to identify a set of fel
// Select command text = "SELECT ... all columns ... FROM FEL WHERE STOLPNR
= ?"
// Delete command
// LOPNR is the primary key of the fel-table
// sqlConn is an open SqlCeConnection
string delTxt = "DELETE FROM FEL WHERE LOPNR = ?";
SqlCeCommand sqlFelDelCmd = new SqlCeCommand( delTxt, sqlConn );
sqlFelDelCmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlCeParameter("lopnr", SqlDbType.Int, 0,
"lopnr") );
sqlAdaptFel = new SqlCeDataAdapter("", sqlConn);
// The commands are created elsewhere...
sqlAdaptFel.SelectCommand = sqlFelSelCmd;
sqlAdaptFel.UpdateCommand = sqlFelUpdCmd;
sqlAdaptFel.InsertCommand = sqlFelInsCmd;
sqlAdaptFel.DeleteCommand = sqlFelDelCmd;
// Save all changes to db
public void SaveFelDataToDb()
// Delete fel
public void DelFelFromTable( )
int rowIndx = this.dGridFel.CurrentRowIndex;
dtFel.Rows.RemoveAt( rowIndx );
SaveFelDataToDb(); // Update changes
// Get fel-subset from db
public void GetFelDataFromDb( int stolpnr )
// lopnr is primary key of the fel-table
sqlFelSelCmd.Parameters["stolpnr"].Value = stolpnr;
sqlAdaptFel.Fill( dtFel );
// Add fel
public static void AddRowToFelTable( )
DataRow row = DataBase.dtFel.NewRow();
... Add values to all required fields ...
dtFel.Rows.Add( row );
DataBase.SaveFelDataToDb(); // Update changes