Dataset constrain error

  • Thread starter Thread starter eXavier
  • Start date Start date


we are fighting with constraint error in dataset. The dataset we use is
quite complex (about 30 tables) as well as stored procedure for returning the
Now we are getting the famous excpetion:
"Failed to enable constraints. One or more rows contain values violating
non-null, unique, or foreign-key constraints."

We know what does it mean but it is difficult to track down where exactly
the problem is in data. Is there any way how to get more specific message or
detail for which constraint the error occured (like e.g. 'PK violated on
table t1') instead of this generic message?

Thanks a lot
If I remember correctly you should check DataRow.RowError property of each
row to find out which row caused the error.
Hello eXavier,

We can set the Data.EnableConstraints to false before updating data back to
the data base. After that, we can check the HasErrors property for each
DataTable in the data set and then invoke the GetErrors method on the
tables reporting errors. The GetErrors returns a collection of DataRows and
you can invoke the .RowError property on the each of the error-stricken
rows to find out just exactly what the problem is.

Please see the discussion in the following link,

Let me know if you have any future questions on this and have a nice

Best regards,
Colbert Zhou (colbertz, remove 'online.')
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