I have some xml that I am loading into a DataSet. Later in my program I have
to clone that DataSet but I keep getting an error saying that I can't have a
table named the same as my DataSet?!?
If I look at the original DataSet it's is named "MEDIA" and there is a table
in it called "media". If you can't have a table named the same as the DataSet
then why is this happening in the original xml DataSet?
I really need to clone this DataSet so that I get all the Table and
Relationship structures.
Please help!
David McCarter
to clone that DataSet but I keep getting an error saying that I can't have a
table named the same as my DataSet?!?
If I look at the original DataSet it's is named "MEDIA" and there is a table
in it called "media". If you can't have a table named the same as the DataSet
then why is this happening in the original xml DataSet?
I really need to clone this DataSet so that I get all the Table and
Relationship structures.
Please help!
David McCarter