Dataset and table names.....

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jim
  • Start date Start date


I have a stored procedure that queries a sql server database and returns the
multiple data tables ( 7 to be precise) these tables are the results of many
When I use the System.Data.SqlClient namespace objects to access this data
it is returned intoa dataset, this dataset has the tables as expected but
they are name 'Table', 'Table1' , 'Table2' etc....

How can I ge the table name to be more friendly as in "Customers", "Rates"
etc, I was thinking of modifying the sql stored procedure, can anyone help?


Multiple Result Sets
If your SelectCommand returns multiple tables, Fill will automatically
generate table names with incremental values for the tables in the DataSet,
starting with the specified table name and continuing on in the form
TableNameN, starting with "TableName1". You can use table mappings to map
the automatically generated table name to a name you want specified for the
table in the DataSet. For example, for a SelectCommand that returns two
tables, Customers and Orders, issue the following call to Fill.

custDA.Fill(custDS, "Customers")Two tables are created in the DataSet:
Customers and Customers1. You can use table mappings to ensure that the
second table is named Orders instead of Customers1. To do this, map the
source table of Customers1 to the DataSet table Orders, as shown in the
following example.

custDA.TableMappings.Add("Customers1", "Orders")
custDA.Fill(custDS, "Customers")Hope this helps.

This won't help. Your tables will be named as they are: Table, Table1 etc.
But, if you are planning to fill a dataset out of your dataadapter, you can
rename the tables by mapping, as the previous message says.

