-----Original Message-----
Hi T Lange,
I've reproduced this problem on my computer. I've checked some documents
and found that this is a known issue. Tables with colmun count greater than
100 are not supported by data adapter configuration wizard. The workaround
for this is to manually configure the data adapter in code. Or you can
split the table into two. Each column count have to be less than 100.
Kevin Yu
"This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no
| Content-Class: urn:content-classes:message
| From: <
[email protected]>
| Sender: <
[email protected]>
| References: <
[email protected]>
[email protected]>
[email protected]>
[email protected]>
| Subject: RE: Dataset and Query Builder error
| Date: Wed, 22 Oct 2003 06:14:15 -0700
| Lines: 284
| Message-ID: <
[email protected]>
| MIME-Version: 1.0
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| charset="iso-8859-1"
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| Newsgroups: microsoft.public.dotnet.framework.adonet
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| NNTP-Posting-Host: TK2MSFTNGXA11
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| Nope. I already tried that with multiple combinations.
| No matter what columns I pick it always stops working
| somewhere around the 100th to 103rd columns. The column
| names are all close in size and small. It really looks
| like a size limitation on one of the generated SQL
| statements.
| Here is the script for the table.
| if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id =
| object_id(N'[CMS_Customer_Scoring]') and OBJECTPROPERTY
| (id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
| drop table [CMS_Customer_Scoring]
| GO
| CREATE TABLE [CMS_Customer_Scoring] (
| [CustomerScoringID] [bigint] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT
| NULL ,
| [QOPID] [varchar] (50) NULL ,
| [DF_CMS_Customer_Scoring_ADVFLG] DEFAULT (0),
| [AVGCHAN1] [numeric](9, 3) NULL ,
| [AVGCORP] [numeric](9, 3) NULL ,
| [AVGPGC1] [numeric](9, 3) NULL ,
| [AVGPGC4] [numeric](9, 3) NULL ,
| [CAVGPRDBL] [numeric](9, 3) NULL ,
| [OAVGPRD1] [numeric](9, 3) NULL ,
| [AVGPRD2] [numeric](9, 3) NULL ,
| [AVGSPR] [numeric](9, 3) NULL ,
| [AVGSUM] [numeric](9, 3) NULL ,
| [AVGTITL2] [numeric](9, 3) NULL ,
| [AVGTITL4] [numeric](9, 3) NULL ,
| [AVGTITL6] [numeric](9, 3) NULL ,
| [DF_CMS_Customer_Scoring_CATFLG] DEFAULT (0),
| [ACORD1] [smallint] NULL ,
| [CORD2] [smallint] NULL ,
| [CDOL4] [money] NULL ,
| [DF_CMS_Customer_Scoring_COREFLG] DEFAULT (0),
| [CORPDOLS] [money] NULL ,
| [CCORPORD] [smallint] NULL ,
| [CRPAN1DL] [money] NULL ,
| [CRPAN2DL] [money] NULL ,
| [EMAILPRS] [char] (1) NULL ,
| [FCHNTAB1] [numeric](5, 2) NULL ,
| [FCHNTAB4] [numeric](5, 2) NULL ,
| [AFOOTFLG] [char] (1) NULL ,
| [DF_CMS_Customer_Scoring_OGENFEML] DEFAULT (0),
| [DF_CMS_Customer_Scoring_GENMALE] DEFAULT (0),
| [HOLDOL] [money] NULL ,
| [MOPDOLVI] [money] NULL ,
| [MOPORDCH] [smallint] NULL ,
| [DF_CMS_Customer_Scoring_AOUTDRFLG] DEFAULT (0),
| [PGCORD1] [smallint] NULL ,
| [PGCORD2] [smallint] NULL ,
| [PGCDOL3] [money] NULL ,
| [PGCDOL4] [money] NULL ,
| [APHONE] [char] (1) NULL ,
| [PRDORDBL] [smallint] NULL ,
| [DF_CMS_Customer_Scoring_PRDGNFLG] DEFAULT (0),
| [PRDDOL1] [money] NULL ,
| [PRDORD1] [smallint] NULL ,
| [PRDDOL2] [money] NULL ,
| [PRDORD3] [smallint] NULL ,
| [PRDDOL4] [money] NULL ,
| [PRDORD4] [smallint] NULL ,
| [PRDORD5] [smallint] NULL ,
| [PRDORD6] [smallint] NULL ,
| [PRDORD7] [smallint] NULL ,
| [OP1ANN1D] [money] NULL ,
| [P2ANN1O] [smallint] NULL ,
| [AP4ANN1D] [money] NULL ,
| [P4ANN3O] [smallint] NULL ,
| [P7ANN1D] [money] NULL ,
| [P6ANN3D] [money] NULL ,
| [ARECCORP] [smallint] NULL ,
| [RECPRD1] [smallint] NULL ,
| [ARECTTL2] [smallint] NULL ,
| [RECTTL3] [smallint] NULL ,
| [ARECTTL4] [smallint] NULL ,
| [RECTTL6] [smallint] NULL ,
| [DF_CMS_Customer_Scoring_RETFLG] DEFAULT (0),
| [SPRDOL] [money] NULL ,
| [S2ANN1D] [money] NULL ,
| [S2ANN1O] [smallint] NULL ,
| [S4ANN2D] [money] NULL ,
| [S5ANN1D] [money] NULL ,
| [S5ANN3D] [money] NULL ,
| [S5ANN5D] [money] NULL ,
| [TABCHN2] [smallint] NULL ,
| [TDOL2] [money] NULL ,
| [TORD2] [smallint] NULL ,
| [TDOL4] [money] NULL ,
| [TORD4] [smallint] NULL ,
| [TDOL6] [money] NULL ,
| [TORD6] [smallint] NULL ,
| [TORD99] [smallint] NULL ,
| [DF_CMS_Customer_Scoring_TRAVLFLG] DEFAULT (0),
| [OT2ANN1O] [smallint] NULL ,
| [T2ANN3O] [smallint] NULL ,
| [T5ANN2D] [money] NULL ,
| [T6ANN1D] [money] NULL ,
| [T9ANN1O] [smallint] NULL ,
| [DF_CMS_Customer_Scoring_WOMANFLG] DEFAULT (0),
| [AOUTPRDP] [smallint] NULL ,
| [SHOEPRCH] [smallint] NULL ,
| [CUSTID] [char] (10) NULL ,
| [OTOF] [smallint] NULL ,
| [CFREQ1] [numeric](5, 2) NULL ,
| [ZIP] [char] (5) NULL ,
| [CoreScore] [numeric](13, 10) NULL ,
| [CoreSegment] [smallint] NULL ,
| [OutdoorScore] [numeric](13, 10) NULL ,
| [OutdoorSegment] [smallint] NULL ,
| [WomensScore] [numeric](13, 10) NULL ,
| [WomensSegment] [smallint] NULL ,
| [AdventureScore] [numeric](13, 10) NULL ,
| [AdventureSegment] [smallint] NULL ,
| [MensScore] [numeric](13, 10) NULL ,
| [MensSegment] [smallint] NULL ,
| [UpdateFromCMSTime] [datetime] NULL ,
| [CubeUpdateTime] [datetime] NULL ,
| [XMLSentTime] [datetime] NULL ,
| [ScoreUpdateTime] [datetime] NULL ,
| [CreateTimeStamp] [datetime] NULL ,
| [CreateUser] [varchar] (100) NULL ,
| [UpdateTimeStamp] [datetime] NULL ,
| [UpdateUser] [varchar] (100) NULL ,
| (
| [CustomerScoringID]
| GO
| >-----Original Message-----
| >Hi T Lange,
| >
| >I think there might be something wrong with the column
| you're selecting.
| >Try to add the eliminated columns one by one, and stop
| on the first one
| >that can reproduce the problem. Please try to isolate
| the column (select
| >this column only or create a new table with a column
| which matches the type
| >of this column) and select it again in the query
| builder. If the error
| >stops occurring, please check the the query statement
| which the query
| >builder generates. If the error occurrs again, there
| might be something
| >wrong with the column in database table.
| >
| >Kevin Yu
| >=======
| >"This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties,
| and confers no
| >rights."
| >
| >--------------------
| >| Content-Class: urn:content-classes:message
| >| From: "(e-mail address removed)"
| <
[email protected]>
| >| Sender: "(e-mail address removed)"
| <
[email protected]>
| >| References: <002f01c39733$c8f82de0
[email protected]>
| ><
[email protected]>
| >| Subject: RE: Dataset and Query Builder error
| >| Date: Tue, 21 Oct 2003 06:20:27 -0700
| >| Lines: 71
| >| Message-ID: <
[email protected]>
| >| MIME-Version: 1.0
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| >| Thread-Index: AcOX1hedpkJx8jqsRyKuHgKYDuhqBg==
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| V5.50.4910.0300
| >| Newsgroups: microsoft.public.dotnet.framework.adonet
| >| Path: cpmsftngxa06.phx.gbl
| >| Xref: cpmsftngxa06.phx.gbl
| microsoft.public.dotnet.framework.adonet:64142
| >| NNTP-Posting-Host: TK2MSFTNGXA09
| >| X-Tomcat-NG: microsoft.public.dotnet.framework.adonet
| >|
| >| I already tried that...same problem.
| >|
| >| >-----Original Message-----
| >| >Hi T Lange,
| >| >
| >| >The length limitation of the SELECT statement depends
| on
| >| the driver. But I
| >| >don't think you have hit the length limitation. Since
| >| you're selecting all
| >| >the columns from the table, would you please try to
| >| use "SELECT * FROM
| >| >TableName" instead of build a query with query
| builder
| >| when creating a
| >| >DataAdapter?
| >| >
| >| >If anything is unclear, please feel free to reply to
| the
| >| post.
| >| >
| >| >Kevin Yu
| >| >=======
| >| >"This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties,
| >| and confers no
| >| >rights."
| >| >
| >| >--------------------
| >| >| Content-Class: urn:content-classes:message
| >| >| From: "T Lange" <
[email protected]>
| >| >| Sender: "T Lange" <
[email protected]>
| >| >| Subject: Dataset and Query Builder error
| >| >| Date: Mon, 20 Oct 2003 10:58:36 -0700
| >| >| Lines: 13
| >| >| Message-ID: <002f01c39733$c8f82de0
[email protected]>
| >| >| MIME-Version: 1.0
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| >| V5.50.4910.0300
| >| >| Thread-Index: AcOXM8j15hRzlWERScOeif4NlC8yug==
| >| >| Newsgroups: microsoft.public.dotnet.framework.adonet
| >| >| Path: cpmsftngxa06.phx.gbl
| >| >| Xref: cpmsftngxa06.phx.gbl
| >| microsoft.public.dotnet.framework.adonet:64073
| >| >| NNTP-Posting-Host: TK2MSFTNGXA14
| >| >| X-Tomcat-NG:
| microsoft.public.dotnet.framework.adonet
| >| >|
| >| >| I have a table with close to 100 columns in it.
| When
| >| I
| >| >| try to create a data adapter for it in VB.NET using
| >| all
| >| >| columns, I get an error when it generates the
| >| >| statement that just says "There were errors
| >| configuring
| >| >| the data adapter". It does not matter whether I
| >| choose
| >| >| to use SQL Queries or Stored Procedures, I get the
| >| same
| >| >| error.
| >| >|
| >| >| If I eliminate some of the columns in Query Builder
| it
| >| >| works fine. It seems like I am hitting against a
| size
| >| >| limitation on the SELECT command or something. Is
| >| there
| >| >| a size limit in .NET for the text property of a
| >| SELECT,
| >| >| INSERT, DELETE, or UPDATE command?
| >| >|
| >| >
| >| >.
| >| >
| >|
| >
| >.
| >