Here is the situation, I extended the textbox windows control so that it has
an additional custom string property. I have a typed dataset and my extended
textbox's new property is bound to one of the columns of one of the tables in
this dataset.
Let's say I have a record in the table and the row state of the record is
"UnChanged". If I do BindingContext(myDataset,myTable).EndCurrentEdit then
some how the row state of the record changes to Modified. I tried to look at
the diffgram but It doesn't show what's changed. Let me know if this is a
an additional custom string property. I have a typed dataset and my extended
textbox's new property is bound to one of the columns of one of the tables in
this dataset.
Let's say I have a record in the table and the row state of the record is
"UnChanged". If I do BindingContext(myDataset,myTable).EndCurrentEdit then
some how the row state of the record changes to Modified. I tried to look at
the diffgram but It doesn't show what's changed. Let me know if this is a