Dataset 2 table

  • Thread starter Thread starter epro
  • Start date Start date


I have a dataset of one table. and I want to save that
dataset onto a database table. I tried SqlDataAdaptor,
but i dont want to write the sql.

Any help is appreciated.

Use a CommandBuilder, provided you aren't using Stored Procs to pull the
Select. If you don't want to write SQL, you can also the
DataAdapterConfiguration wizard. The answer though lies in how your
DataTable is being populated. Is it through code and you are adding
everything individually? Or is it through a SQL Statement. If it's the
first, you are going to have to write some SQL. Also, anything that puts
data back in the DB can only do it via SQL. There are tools lkke the
COmmandBUilder or the Wizard that can handle it for you, but which to use
and how to do it depends on how that table is populated in the first place.