Woody Splawn
If reviewing how to get the DataRowVersion data from a row in a dataset I
see no example of how to do this with a strongly typed dataset using dot
notation. Below I have an example of how I get a value into a integer value
called OrigStatus not using dot notation.
OrigStatus = CInt(Me.DataSetQuoteDetail1.quote(0)("quote_status_id",
As you see, in the example above it is necessary for me to supply the name
of the column in quotation marks. Is there a way to do this in a strongly
typed dataset using dot notation so that I don't have to supply the column
name in quotation marks?
see no example of how to do this with a strongly typed dataset using dot
notation. Below I have an example of how I get a value into a integer value
called OrigStatus not using dot notation.
OrigStatus = CInt(Me.DataSetQuoteDetail1.quote(0)("quote_status_id",
As you see, in the example above it is necessary for me to supply the name
of the column in quotation marks. Is there a way to do this in a strongly
typed dataset using dot notation so that I don't have to supply the column
name in quotation marks?