I'm building an app which has a public area and private area with a SQL Server 2000 DB
The Log in page code is below, and it is maybe inefficient, I don't care - it just has to work
In the Log-In.aspx file I am
1) check to see if someone entered a valid email/password. If so, continue to get the detail
2) pull the title, firstname, surname, contact type and email of the contact from the D
3) initalise a authenitcation ticket called 'stateEmail' (so can roam the directory with a web.config file within)
4a) get the contact informaiton from the D
4b) merge the 'Title' and 'Surname' columns to produce a stateName e.g. 'Dr Smith
4c) initalise 2 pieces of cookieless sessions called 'stateName' and 'contact Type'
The form works and does most, but when re-directed to the secure, logged-In area directory the
- authenitacion Email works correctly (stateEmail) by bringing up the correct email address of the use
- BUT the stateName only returns whatever is the FIRST record in my DB i.e. not pulling the correct title/surnam
*** CODE ***
Dim stateName As Strin
Dim stateEmail As Strin
Dim stateDoctorType As Strin
Private Sub butEnter_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles butEnter.Clic
'checking if password exists, if so, return Title, Surnam
Dim strConn, strSQL As Strin
strConn = "xxxxxxx
Dim cn As New OleDbConnection(strConn
Dim cmd As OleDbCommand = cn.CreateCommand(
cmd.CommandText = "SELECT COUNT (*) FROM DoctorDetails WHERE Email = '" & TxtUserName.Text & "' AND Password = '" & TxtPassword.Text & "'
'if username or password not in, return comment on pag
Dim validEmailPass As Boolean = CInt(cmd.ExecuteScalar()
If validEmailPass = 0 The
lblMembers.Text = "Sorry, Email or Password not recognised.</br>Please try again
LblForgot.Text = "
TxtUserName.Text = "
TxtPassword.Text = "
'run a query which pulls the correct username informatio
Dim cmd2 As New OleDbCommand(
cmd2 = cn.CreateCommand(
cmd2.CommandText = "SELECT MemberType, Title, Surname, Email FROM DoctorDetails WHERE Email = '" & TxtUserName.Text & "' AND Password = '" & TxtPassword.Text & "'
Dim rdr2 As OleDbDataReader = cmd2.ExecuteReader(
Dim stateTitle As Strin
Dim stateSurname As Strin
'binding the information
While rdr2.Read(
stateDoctorType = rdr2("MemberType"
stateTitle = rdr2("Title"
stateSurname = rdr2("Surname"
stateEmail = rdr2("Email"
End Whil
stateName = stateTitle & " " & stateSurnam
'initialise viewstat
Session("doctorSession") = stateNam
Session("doctorTypeSession") = stateDoctorTyp
'initalise authenticatio
FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(stateEmail, False
End I
End Su
*** Appreciate your help. Thanks in advance.
I'm building an app which has a public area and private area with a SQL Server 2000 DB
The Log in page code is below, and it is maybe inefficient, I don't care - it just has to work
In the Log-In.aspx file I am
1) check to see if someone entered a valid email/password. If so, continue to get the detail
2) pull the title, firstname, surname, contact type and email of the contact from the D
3) initalise a authenitcation ticket called 'stateEmail' (so can roam the directory with a web.config file within)
4a) get the contact informaiton from the D
4b) merge the 'Title' and 'Surname' columns to produce a stateName e.g. 'Dr Smith
4c) initalise 2 pieces of cookieless sessions called 'stateName' and 'contact Type'
The form works and does most, but when re-directed to the secure, logged-In area directory the
- authenitacion Email works correctly (stateEmail) by bringing up the correct email address of the use
- BUT the stateName only returns whatever is the FIRST record in my DB i.e. not pulling the correct title/surnam
*** CODE ***
Dim stateName As Strin
Dim stateEmail As Strin
Dim stateDoctorType As Strin
Private Sub butEnter_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles butEnter.Clic
'checking if password exists, if so, return Title, Surnam
Dim strConn, strSQL As Strin
strConn = "xxxxxxx
Dim cn As New OleDbConnection(strConn
Dim cmd As OleDbCommand = cn.CreateCommand(
cmd.CommandText = "SELECT COUNT (*) FROM DoctorDetails WHERE Email = '" & TxtUserName.Text & "' AND Password = '" & TxtPassword.Text & "'
'if username or password not in, return comment on pag
Dim validEmailPass As Boolean = CInt(cmd.ExecuteScalar()
If validEmailPass = 0 The
lblMembers.Text = "Sorry, Email or Password not recognised.</br>Please try again
LblForgot.Text = "
TxtUserName.Text = "
TxtPassword.Text = "
'run a query which pulls the correct username informatio
Dim cmd2 As New OleDbCommand(
cmd2 = cn.CreateCommand(
cmd2.CommandText = "SELECT MemberType, Title, Surname, Email FROM DoctorDetails WHERE Email = '" & TxtUserName.Text & "' AND Password = '" & TxtPassword.Text & "'
Dim rdr2 As OleDbDataReader = cmd2.ExecuteReader(
Dim stateTitle As Strin
Dim stateSurname As Strin
'binding the information
While rdr2.Read(
stateDoctorType = rdr2("MemberType"
stateTitle = rdr2("Title"
stateSurname = rdr2("Surname"
stateEmail = rdr2("Email"
End Whil
stateName = stateTitle & " " & stateSurnam
'initialise viewstat
Session("doctorSession") = stateNam
Session("doctorTypeSession") = stateDoctorTyp
'initalise authenticatio
FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(stateEmail, False
End I
End Su
*** Appreciate your help. Thanks in advance.