I have the following function, which simply fetches records from a
database. I use the line "if dr.hasrows then".... continue the
function. However, when I try to read a record, I get the error:
"Invalid attempt to read when no data is present". I've never seen this
before. I know the record is in the table, but the datareader says it
can't be read - yet it has rows.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Here's the code:
Function FindNic(ByVal strPNPshort As String, ByVal strService As
String, ByVal svrInfo As ServerInfo, ByVal wrkrBkgnd As
System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker) As nicStruct
Dim Index As Integer
Dim nicInfo As New nicStruct
Dim drComm As SqlCommand
Dim dr As SqlDataReader
nicInfo.PNPid = strPNPshort
nicInfo.Service = strService
Dim strSQL As String
(PNPSHORT = @pnpshort) AND (SERVICE = @service)"
drComm = New SqlCommand(strSQL, sqlConnection)
drComm.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@pnpshort",
SqlDbType.VarChar, 250)).Value = strPNPshort
drComm.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@service",
SqlDbType.VarChar, 20)).Value = strService
dr = drComm.ExecuteReader()
Catch ex As Exception
logger.logit("FIND NIC INFO sql error: " & ex.Message,
configParams, wrkrBkgnd, 1)
logger.logit("FIND NIC INFO sql string: " &
drComm.CommandText, configParams, wrkrBkgnd, 1)
End Try
If dr.HasRows Then
'Here's where I'll get the error... row 4 has data in
every row.......
If Not dr.GetString(4) = "NA" Then
While dr.Read()
nicInfo.CLASSGUID = dr.Item(2).ToString
nicInfo.Subkey = dr.Item(3).ToString
nicInfo.Value = dr.Item(4).ToString
nicInfo.productName = dr.Item(5).ToString
nicInfo.paramSubkey = dr.Item(6).ToString
Index += 1
End While
nicInfo.bError = True
End If
End If
Catch ex As Exception
logger.logit("NIC NOT FOUND, OR UNABLE TO READ: " _
& ControlChars.CrLf & "PNPSHORT: " & nicInfo.PNPid &
ControlChars.CrLf & "SERVICE: " & nicInfo.Service _
& ControlChars.CrLf & "SERVER: " & svrInfo.oDNSHOSTNAME,
configParams, wrkrBkgnd, 1)
logger.logit("Exception occurred: " & ex.Message,
configParams, wrkrBkgnd, 1)
nicInfo.bError = True
End Try
Return nicInfo
End Function
database. I use the line "if dr.hasrows then".... continue the
function. However, when I try to read a record, I get the error:
"Invalid attempt to read when no data is present". I've never seen this
before. I know the record is in the table, but the datareader says it
can't be read - yet it has rows.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Here's the code:
Function FindNic(ByVal strPNPshort As String, ByVal strService As
String, ByVal svrInfo As ServerInfo, ByVal wrkrBkgnd As
System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker) As nicStruct
Dim Index As Integer
Dim nicInfo As New nicStruct
Dim drComm As SqlCommand
Dim dr As SqlDataReader
nicInfo.PNPid = strPNPshort
nicInfo.Service = strService
Dim strSQL As String
(PNPSHORT = @pnpshort) AND (SERVICE = @service)"
drComm = New SqlCommand(strSQL, sqlConnection)
drComm.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@pnpshort",
SqlDbType.VarChar, 250)).Value = strPNPshort
drComm.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@service",
SqlDbType.VarChar, 20)).Value = strService
dr = drComm.ExecuteReader()
Catch ex As Exception
logger.logit("FIND NIC INFO sql error: " & ex.Message,
configParams, wrkrBkgnd, 1)
logger.logit("FIND NIC INFO sql string: " &
drComm.CommandText, configParams, wrkrBkgnd, 1)
End Try
If dr.HasRows Then
'Here's where I'll get the error... row 4 has data in
every row.......
If Not dr.GetString(4) = "NA" Then
While dr.Read()
nicInfo.CLASSGUID = dr.Item(2).ToString
nicInfo.Subkey = dr.Item(3).ToString
nicInfo.Value = dr.Item(4).ToString
nicInfo.productName = dr.Item(5).ToString
nicInfo.paramSubkey = dr.Item(6).ToString
Index += 1
End While
nicInfo.bError = True
End If
End If
Catch ex As Exception
logger.logit("NIC NOT FOUND, OR UNABLE TO READ: " _
& ControlChars.CrLf & "PNPSHORT: " & nicInfo.PNPid &
ControlChars.CrLf & "SERVICE: " & nicInfo.Service _
& ControlChars.CrLf & "SERVER: " & svrInfo.oDNSHOSTNAME,
configParams, wrkrBkgnd, 1)
logger.logit("Exception occurred: " & ex.Message,
configParams, wrkrBkgnd, 1)
nicInfo.bError = True
End Try
Return nicInfo
End Function