I've used both Deklarit and llblgen recently and really like them both. I've
also used by Mongoose, I'm guessing that's the one you are
referring to. I think that are all useful and cool products. A good friend
of mine at devbuzz started a forum there b/c he's really
learned to love such tools. I'll tell you though, it's a hard sell getting
bosses and coworkers to trust in such products and i've found that they
usually need to see the productivity improvements in your work before
they'll come to trust some products. I know people that use all three
products professionally and I'll tell you that everyone of them has really
grown to love their respective products. There's a free download with each,
so I'd recommend giving them all a try (I think Deklarit is probably the
most powerful but also the most complex so the learning curve is a little
higher) and going from there. However, if the product you are asking about
is, then from my experience, it's really good stuff.