I am just wondering... can footertemplate hold data?
b/c i want to show the sum of my Invoice in footer template. How can i
do that? I could add the sum to the dataset like this:
SumColumn = new DataColumn("SumColumn",Double,"Sum(ItemTotal)")
if i do:
<%#DataBinder.Eval(Container,"DataItem.SumColumn")%> inside the footer
template, i get nothing...
Any help?
b/c i want to show the sum of my Invoice in footer template. How can i
do that? I could add the sum to the dataset like this:
SumColumn = new DataColumn("SumColumn",Double,"Sum(ItemTotal)")
if i do:
<%#DataBinder.Eval(Container,"DataItem.SumColumn")%> inside the footer
template, i get nothing...
Any help?