DataGridViewComboBoxColumn, selecting items in dropdownlist

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Hi, I'm using in a DataGridView the DataGridViewComboBoxColumn
(VS2005-VB.NET). My problem: selecting items in the dropdownlist don't
behave like I want. Example: the dgv-dropdownlist shows: "Red, red, Green,
green, Black, black". Now the user selects the 'green' item. Then, first
'green' becomes visible as the cell's value, but when leaving the cell this
value changes to: 'Green'. This is not what I want. I selected and want the
item-value 'green'.

VS2005, VB.NET
Regards, Coen.
Are you populating your dropdown items in the combobox from a
DataTable DataSource? If so, you might try setting
dataTable1.CaseSensitive = true to see if that affects this behavior.
It did for me.

Clay Burch
Syncfusion, Inc.
Hi Coen,

I performed a test on this issue and found that this problem exists when I
bind the DataGridViewComboBoxColumn to a DataTable, i.e. set the
DataGridViewComboBoxColumn's DataSource property to the DataTable and its
DisplayMember property to a column and its ValueMember property to another
column in the DataTable.

The DataTable has two columns: col1 and col2. There're 6 rows in the
DataTable as follows:

1 Red
2 red
3 Green
4 green
5 Black
6 black

Run the program and select 'green' from the drop down list of a
DataGridViewComboBoxCell. After the focus leaves the cell, the text in the
cell becomes 'Green'. It seems that the underlying data source, i.e. the
DataTable regards 'Green' to be equal to 'green'. After I set the
DataTable's CaseSensitive property to true as Clay suggests, the problem

FYI, this problem doesn't exist if we add items to the
DataGridViewComboBoxColumn directly. For example,


This problem doesn't exist either on ComboBox, even if the DataTable's
CaseSensitive property is the default value--false.

Hope this helps.
If you have anything unclear, please feel free to let me know.

Linda Liu
Microsoft Online Community Support

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