jonpb said:
The default implelmentation of DataGridView.GetClipboardContent does not
call DataGridViewCell.ParseFormattedValue. Does anyone know how to force
it do this, or how to implement GetClipboardContent so that it does.
For anyone interested, this is my solution. Warning: this code has not
been thoroughly tested, but the general idea is there:
public override DataObject GetClipboardContent()
DataObject data = new DataObject();
if (this.SelectedCells.Count == 0) return data;
Dictionary<int, Dictionary<int, string>> tabs = new Dictionary<int,
Dictionary<int, string>>();
Dictionary<int, Dictionary<int, string>> csvs = new Dictionary<int,
Dictionary<int, string>>();
Dictionary<int, string> rt, rc;
StringBuilder tab = new StringBuilder();
StringBuilder csv = new StringBuilder();
foreach (DataGridViewCell cell in this.SelectedCells)
if (!tabs.TryGetValue(cell.RowIndex, out rt))
rt = new Dictionary<int, string>();
tabs.Add(cell.RowIndex, rt);
rc = new Dictionary<int, string>();
csvs.Add(cell.RowIndex, rc);
rc = csvs[cell.RowIndex];
rt.Add(cell.ColumnIndex, cell.Value.ToString());
rc.Add(cell.ColumnIndex, cell.Value.ToString());
List<int> cols = new List<int>();
List<int> rows = new List<int>();
foreach (int i in tabs.Keys)
string s;
foreach (int i in rows)
foreach (int k in tabs
foreach (int k in cols)
tab.AppendFormat("{0}\t", tabs[k]);
csv.AppendFormat("{0},", tabs[k]);
tab.Remove(tab.Length - 1, 1);
csv.Remove(csv.Length - 1, 1);
data.SetData(DataFormats.CommaSeparatedValue, csv.ToString());
data.SetData(DataFormats.UnicodeText, tab.ToString());
data.SetData(DataFormats.Text, Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(tab.ToString()));
DataObject html = base.GetClipboardContent();
data.SetData(DataFormats.Html, html.GetData(DataFormats.Html));
return data;