In the past I've successfully databound a conventional Winforms checkbox to
a number column in an Oracle table, where 1 represents true and 0 represents
false. The checkbox would be ticked if the value was 1 and unticked if the
value was 0 - earth shattering news I know!
I tried doing the same thing but in a datagrid with one of the columns as a
DataGridBoolColumn - basically it doesn't work! The checkbox in the
datagrid is ALWAYS grey-checked regardles of the underlying value.
In the IDE I've set:
TrueValue to 1
FalseValue to 0
AllowNulls to false
I thought this was supposed to be a no-brainer???
So, is it possible to use DataGridBoolColumn with an underlying numeric
column? Any samples, links, etc. greatly appreciated 'cause I'm stuck with
In the past I've successfully databound a conventional Winforms checkbox to
a number column in an Oracle table, where 1 represents true and 0 represents
false. The checkbox would be ticked if the value was 1 and unticked if the
value was 0 - earth shattering news I know!
I tried doing the same thing but in a datagrid with one of the columns as a
DataGridBoolColumn - basically it doesn't work! The checkbox in the
datagrid is ALWAYS grey-checked regardles of the underlying value.
In the IDE I've set:
TrueValue to 1
FalseValue to 0
AllowNulls to false
I thought this was supposed to be a no-brainer???
So, is it possible to use DataGridBoolColumn with an underlying numeric
column? Any samples, links, etc. greatly appreciated 'cause I'm stuck with