In the datagrid there are a number of places you can put in Style sheet classes. You can use the main CssClass for your main datagrid format (I created three different formats in my style sheet and access them through the CssClass in the datagrid) you can put in a different CssClass in the Header and Footer sections of the datagrid, or you can put it in the HTML Code like this
asp:datagrid id="dtg_sel_sup" runat="server" CssClass="gatagrid" Width="75%" AutoGenerateColumns="False" AllowPaging="True" OnPageIndexChanged="dtg_sel_sup_page" PagerStyle-HorizontalAlign="Center"><HeaderStyle CssClass="dgheader"></HeaderStyle>..
Unfortunately, you cannot reference a CssClass in the middle of a Bound Column; if anyone does have a way to put color into a particular bound column/cell of the datagrid, I would like to know how to do this as well..