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hi all,

I am a newbie and i need some help.I have datagrid on my page
which has hyperlink columns.
the datagrid configuration in the aspx page is as follows

<asp:DataGrid id="dgNewsLinks" DataKeyField="News_ID" runat="server"
Width="283px" AutoGenerateColumns="False" GridLines="None" ShowHeader="False">
<asp:HyperLinkColumn Target="_parent" DataNavigateUrlField="url"
<asp:HyperLinkColumn Target="_parent" DataNavigateUrlField="url"

i have coded the following in the page load handler

private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
DataSet ds=PressDBGateway.getNewsLinks();

The problem is when i click on the hyperlink in the datagrid i go to a new
page but when i press back button of browser to come back to the datagrid
page,the datagrid gets loaded again and appends to the existing data.So
everytime i press the back button my datagrid keeps getting bigger and bigger
as the same set of records keep getting appended to it.

What am i doing wrong?

Thanks for your time.
DataSet ds=PressDBGateway.getNewsLinks();

The problem is when i click on the hyperlink in the datagrid i go to a
new page but when i press back button of browser to come back to the
datagrid page,the datagrid gets loaded again and appends to the
existing data.So everytime i press the back button my datagrid keeps
getting bigger and bigger as the same set of records keep getting
appended to it.

What am i doing wrong?

Only bind the grid if Not Page.IsPostback.
Hi cooltech,

In your datagrid, you are using Target="_parent". If you use
Target="_blank", the new page will be in a new popup window. The datagrid
page can still keep there. So you just need to Close the new page rather
than to Back.

If you still want to keep your design., you can check method
PressDBGateway.getNewsLinks(). The trouble may come from there. You can post
code of the method, let us what happens in the method.


Elton Wang
(e-mail address removed)
Elton W said:
Hi cooltech,

In your datagrid, you are using Target="_parent". If you use
Target="_blank", the new page will be in a new popup window. The datagrid
page can still keep there. So you just need to Close the new page rather
than to Back.

If you still want to keep your design., you can check method
PressDBGateway.getNewsLinks(). The trouble may come from there. You can post
code of the method, let us what happens in the method.


Elton Wang
(e-mail address removed)
thanks for your reply.I tried using target=_blank and i did not get the
But I cannot make the target=_blank coz I am replicating a website and it
needs to show in the same frame.So there must be some other way to do this I

i am posting the code for PressDBGateway.cs

public class PressDBGateway

private static string connectionString=(string
)ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings ["ConnectionString"];

private static SqlConnection sqlConn=new SqlConnection(connectionString);
private static SqlDataAdapter sqlDA=new SqlDataAdapter();
private static DataSet DSNews=new DataSet();

public PressDBGateway() { }

public static DataSet getNewsLinks()
SqlCommand sqlCmd=new SqlCommand();
return DSNews;
hi all

Thanks for your replies.
i figured out the problem
the problem was in the PRessDBGateway.cs code.
alll i had to do was call sqlDA.Clear() before i call sqlDA.Fill()
This was because i had declared the dataset as a private member variable
instead of declaring it just before i use sqlDA.FIll() in the getNewsLinks()

hope this helps some1 with a similar problem