Brian Hoops
I have a windows forms datagrid and I would like to be able to recognize
when changes have been made in order to perform the update. I tried the
following, which works well, but only if the user changes rows at some
point. If they enter the grid, change a cell, and then click close it does
not see the change. The same holds true if they enter the grid, change a
cell, arrow right or left to a different cell and change that value. If
they arrow up or down it sees the dataset as having changes.
What am I missing? I don't want to rely on the user having to press enter
or selecting a different row after making their update.
Dim blnDataChanged As Boolean = False
Dim dt As DataTable
dt = ds.Tables("tblCIP").GetChanges
If dt Is Nothing Then
Return False
Dim Row As DataRow
Dim intColumn As Integer
For Each Row In dt.Rows
Select Case Row.RowState
Case DataRowState.Added
blnDataChanged = True
Case DataRowState.Deleted
blnDataChanged = True
Case DataRowState.Modified
For intColumn = 0 To dt.Columns.Count - 1
If Not IsDBNull(Row(intColumn, DataRowVersion.Original)) And Not
IsDBNull(Row(intColumn, DataRowVersion.Current)) Then
If Row(intColumn, DataRowVersion.Original) <> Row(intColumn,
DataRowVersion.Current) Then
blnDataChanged = True
Exit For
End If
End If
End Select
If blnDataChanged Then Exit For
Return blnDataChanged
end If
when changes have been made in order to perform the update. I tried the
following, which works well, but only if the user changes rows at some
point. If they enter the grid, change a cell, and then click close it does
not see the change. The same holds true if they enter the grid, change a
cell, arrow right or left to a different cell and change that value. If
they arrow up or down it sees the dataset as having changes.
What am I missing? I don't want to rely on the user having to press enter
or selecting a different row after making their update.
Dim blnDataChanged As Boolean = False
Dim dt As DataTable
dt = ds.Tables("tblCIP").GetChanges
If dt Is Nothing Then
Return False
Dim Row As DataRow
Dim intColumn As Integer
For Each Row In dt.Rows
Select Case Row.RowState
Case DataRowState.Added
blnDataChanged = True
Case DataRowState.Deleted
blnDataChanged = True
Case DataRowState.Modified
For intColumn = 0 To dt.Columns.Count - 1
If Not IsDBNull(Row(intColumn, DataRowVersion.Original)) And Not
IsDBNull(Row(intColumn, DataRowVersion.Current)) Then
If Row(intColumn, DataRowVersion.Original) <> Row(intColumn,
DataRowVersion.Current) Then
blnDataChanged = True
Exit For
End If
End If
End Select
If blnDataChanged Then Exit For
Return blnDataChanged
end If