Datagrid probem MS What happened to response within 2 days???

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<b>This is my 2nd time posting this question without a response from

I have a form that fills a datagrid on load and binds it to controls. If I
move the currency manager in code, the grid's selected row does not follow.
However, if I fill and bind the grid after load, then moving the currency
manager works correctly.

The application is loading from a url and is running with only internet
permissions. If the application is running in the intranet zone everything
works correctly.

If you need any addtional information please ask.
Hi Greg,

What exactly do you mean by 'moving the currency manager in code'? Could
you post the code please?

Rakesh Rajan
Rakesh, thanks for the reply. This is an example of moving the currency
manager in code:

myCurrencyManager.Position = 5

If the sort order in the grid is changed, the grid will advance as expected.
The problem only happens when the application is launched via an URL and is
run with 'IntERnet Permissions'. If the application is run with full trust
or with 'IntRAnet Permissions' there are no problems.

Again, thanks for your help.