Datagrid pagination, both styles (Next/Prev and numbers) at same t



Hi All,

The ASP.NET Datagrid's pagination capability allows me to display either the
Next/Prev buttons or the Page numbers to allow the user to navigate through
the datagrid page by page as follows: 1) Prev Next, or 2) 1 2 3 ...

Is there any easy way on how to display both styles at the same time?

For example: Prev 1 2 3 Next

Thank you in advance!

A Traveler

No 'easy' way as far as just flip a check somewhere and its done, unfort,
What you would have to do, is to catch the grids ItemCreated event, and then
in there, add the links as needed.
Below is a starting point which you could play around with and customize as
you want.
Private Sub grid_ItemCreated(sender As Object, e As DataGridItemEventArgs)
Handles grid.ItemCreated
Select Case e.Item.ItemType
Case Pager
'// in here, dynamically create and add as many pager buttons as
you want.
Dim lnk As LinkButton
lnk = New LinkButton
'// to prevent form validation on a simple paging operation
lnk.CausesValidation = False
'// this will be the e.NewPageIndex prop in
grid_PageIndexChanged handler
'// beware though, it is reduced by one in the PageIndexChanged.
'// so if CommandArgument = 1, then e.NewPageIndex will be = 0.
lnk.CommandArgument = 1
lnk.Text = "Your Link Text Goes Here"
End Select
End Sub

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