datagrid or table?




I'm trying to write a program that seraches from strings in various
text files and displays the data in an easy on the eye tabular form on
a webpage. I have written all of the code to search through the files
in question but I need a bit of help on how to display them.

The datagrid on the face of it seems an ideal solution but as its
primary use is databinding it with a data source I'm having a lot of
trouble manually adding items into the control as I am not using any
kind of database I basically have a selection of strings which i want
to put into the datagrid as one row then repeat the operation.

Any ideas on how i would do this?

Or if this is not the way that datagrids are meant to be used, got any
tips for using tables? It seems like there is a lot of code to create
each row, cell etc

Thanks in advance


You are correct in your statement that the DataGrid is happiest when it is a
databound animal. You can create a datatable with the appropriate columns and
bind this to the grid.

Or, you might find that a DataList is more appropriate as it lets you
customize the HTML in ItemTemplates and still have the repeating feature.

Finally, you just might decide to create a custom HTML table instead, which
is certainly a valid choice, although it may take a lot more code.



Maybe in the future i would like to add a the check box column in that
think is available in a datagrid. So if the datagrid option is possible
i would prefer to persue that first.



So am I right in thinking that I have to create a source, wheter it be
a database or other datatable first before binding it to the datagrid,
and it is not possible to add many items to it directly?


So am I right in thinking that I have to create a source, wheter it be
a database or other datatable first before binding it to the datagrid,
and it is not possible to add many items to it directly?


That's right. Anything that implements the IList interface is bindable. But,
a DataTable is probably the most flexible because it offers DataView,
sorting, Select, and other features. You can build a DataTable manually, it
is not necessary to get data from a database to create one.

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