datagrid navigate

  • Thread starter Thread starter pchak
  • Start date Start date


1) Is there any way to programmatically navigate between
the parent and child data in the datagrid? I'd like to
give users a better control than the "navigate arrow" in
the row header of the datagrid.

2) Likewise, before calling a function in my app, i need
to force the navigate change to the child data below the
parent row (since that's where the data is!). i.E., if the
user is is on a parent row when they cal the function, I
know that I need the underlying child data.

3) I also thought that you could set what the parent
header row displays (I don't want it to show the
confusing "parentablename:" to the users).

Any pointers would be appreciated.
1) Is there any way to programmatically navigate between
the parent and child data in the datagrid? I'd like to
give users a better control than the "navigate arrow" in
the row header of the datagrid.

Try calling the SetDataBinding method on the grid passing a string formatted


as the dataMember argument value.
2) Likewise, before calling a function in my app, i need
to force the navigate change to the child data below the
parent row (since that's where the data is!)

If the suggestion above works, I think you can re-use it for question 2.
3) I also thought that you could set what the parent
header row displays (I don't want it to show the
confusing "parentablename:" to the users).

To the best of my knowledge, you cannot.