DataGrid Columns

  • Thread starter Thread starter Paul
  • Start date Start date


Hey there,

I have a DataGrid bound to a DataTable. When a user
selects a row, I want to send the UNQ_ID (which is in a
column with a width of zero, or it's visible parameter set
to false) for that row to a function. I got the row by :
DataGrid.Items(DataGrid.SelectedIndex) Then I need to
use .Cells(<index here>) and get the index of the UNQ_ID
column. I can't use the DataTable I bound it to, because
the user can sort and sometimes the columns show up in
different spots depending on weather or not there are
nulls. When I try and do the IndexOf on the columns
collection for the dataGrid, it only returns one column.
In the quick watch for DataGrid though I saw the column I
needed in "autoGenerateColumns" but I can't get to that
for some reason. Can anyone help?