datagird width = 100%



A technique I often use is to put a HTML table with on row and cell on the
form, position it where you want, and assign a width of 100%. Then you put
the grid inside that table. Then you set the width of the datagrid to 100%.
It will take up the entire width of the page.

hope this helps,

Neven Klofutar

Or you can put <TABLE width='100%'> tag in the datagrid HeaderTemplate, and
</TABLE> in the datagrid FooterTemplate.
Then you can put <TR> and <TD>s in ItemTemplate.

Hope it helps, Neven


i've added a data grid to an aspx form, & i've noticed that the width of the
grid is fixed.
I want to be able to set the width to fit the entire width of the browser.

Such as done in classic HTML with the table width = 100%

Can this be achieved for a data grid? if so how?

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