DataCombo problem

  • Thread starter Thread starter R
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Hi, I'm really stuck here.
I have a data combo called cmbHvem which I link to a recordset RS23 like

If RS23.State = adStateOpen Then
cmbHvem.RowSource = Nothing


End If

SQL = "SELECT AID,(FNavn + ' ' + ENavn) AS Ans FROM Ansatte WHERE KID = '" &
varKID & "'"



cmbHvem.RowSource = RS23

cmbHvem.BoundColumn = "AID"

cmbHvem.ListField = "Ans"

To get the employees from the selected contact.

Then I want to set the combo value to one particular employee

I get a value from another query, RS1, and try this

cmbHvem.BoundText = RS1.Fields("AID").Value

This works once, this is part of a code on a "Dialog-form-box", the next
time I open the same dialog, the code is not working.

The value of RS1.Fields("AID").Value is like 115, but the combo is not
changing to record 115.


I forgot to mention that the code below worked in VB6, when I try to move to
VB.NET I get this error.
Should I do somthing before closing the second form?

Hi R,

This is a language newsgroup, in is normaly either a datacombo
or a recordset used.

For that you probably get a better answer in one of the classic VB


I hope you find your solution.

Hi Jose,

It is the best answer I had and when I was sended it I did not had the
message that it was an update. It did totaly look VB6. The update message
came with me at the same time as my own.
But correction than is no more possible.

Apology accepted :-)
Do you have an ansver? Anybody?
It is a VB.NET question, I just mentioned that it worked in vb6...
I have a suspicion that I do not close my for properly...

Hi R,

You can try the newsgroup


Mostly Herfried does not want to help with this kind of question here, but
he sometimes do that in that newsgroup (and maybe because I write it here
you are lucky and he does it here)


But using those controls stays a problem, I think that it is better that
when you have a problem to change directly to real dotnet controls.

The datacombo does not exist but the combobox is a good replacement I think.
(It is the most buggiest control from Dotnet in my opinon but very good

To bind a datasource to a combobox is real very easy.

And when you have luck and have I written something wrong above because I do
not know so much anymore from VB6 and than Herfried corrects it.


But I hope this helps anyhow?
