We are remoting to a Data Tier component. We query the database, return a
dataset over the wire and off we go. All has worked well.
Today is the first day we tried updates remotely. We perform the updates on
the client then call DataSet.GetChanges and pass the changes, as DataSet, to
our remote type.
Right away, we received the following exception:
"The type System.Data.DataColumn in Assembly System.Data, version...,
Culture..., PublicKeyToken... is not marked as serializabe"
Now, I know that only the DataSet and DataTable ADO.NET objects are truly
serializabe as they are the only two ADO.NET objects that implement the
ISerializable interface. We are passing a DataSet in this case so why are
we seeing this exception?
Our dll is hosted by IIS. The web.config looks like this:
<channel ref="http">
<formatter ref="binary"/>
<formatter ref="binary"/>
<provider ref="wsdl"/>
<wellknown mode="SingleCall"
displayName="CDS Data Access Remote" />
Greg Robinson
Custom Data Systems, Inc.
dataset over the wire and off we go. All has worked well.
Today is the first day we tried updates remotely. We perform the updates on
the client then call DataSet.GetChanges and pass the changes, as DataSet, to
our remote type.
Right away, we received the following exception:
"The type System.Data.DataColumn in Assembly System.Data, version...,
Culture..., PublicKeyToken... is not marked as serializabe"
Now, I know that only the DataSet and DataTable ADO.NET objects are truly
serializabe as they are the only two ADO.NET objects that implement the
ISerializable interface. We are passing a DataSet in this case so why are
we seeing this exception?
Our dll is hosted by IIS. The web.config looks like this:
<channel ref="http">
<formatter ref="binary"/>
<formatter ref="binary"/>
<provider ref="wsdl"/>
<wellknown mode="SingleCall"
displayName="CDS Data Access Remote" />
Greg Robinson
Custom Data Systems, Inc.