Hi Jeffrey,
Thanks for your suggestion.
I applied your suggestion, but it did not work for me. My expression is
exactly what you have written below and viewing the quick watch of the
column expression shows
"Address1 +
(In the quick watch window it has the square control characters to indicate
a carriage return line feed.) So, the expression has the blank line in it,
but when I bind it do a data grid, the blank line gets ignored.
The code is the following ...
Dim ds As CorporateReporting.EDService.AccountContactQueryResults =
mgrWidgets.SearchForAccountsOrContacts(1, Me.rButtonAccount.Checked,
Me.txtName.Text, Me.txtName.Text, Me.txtCity.Text, Me.txtState.Text,
Me.txtPostalCode.Text, (Trim(Me.txtAreaCode.Text) &
Trim(Me.txtExchange.Text) & Trim(Me.txtSuffix.Text)),
Me.cmboNameCriteria.SelectedValue, 500, "")
Dim dt As DataTable
If Me.rButtonAccount.Checked Then
dt = ds.Accounts.Copy()
dt = ds.Contacts.Copy()
End If
dt.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("AddressExpr", Type.GetType("System.String"),
"Address1 +" + Environment.NewLine + " Address2"))
Me.DataGrid1.DataSource = dt
Any ideas?
Thanks, Joel