Matt F
I'm trying to do something that seems like it should be pretty simple, but
haven't found a solution. I am trying to add a datacolumn to a datatable
that adds or subtracts a number of days based on another datetime column in
the table. See sample below. How do I do this? Any help would be greatly
appreciated. Thanks
Private Sub CreateDataTable()
dt = New DataTable
Dim IntegerColumn As New DataColumn
IntegerColumn.DataType = GetType(Integer)
IntegerColumn.ColumnName = "IntegerColumn"
Dim ComputedIntegerColumn As New DataColumn
ComputedIntegerColumn.DataType = GetType(Integer)
ComputedIntegerColumn.ColumnName = "ComputedIntegerColumn"
ComputedIntegerColumn.Expression = "IntegerColumn + 2"
Dim DateColumn As New DataColumn
DateColumn.DataType = GetType(System.DateTime)
DateColumn.ColumnName = "DateColumn"
Dim ComputedDateColumn As New DataColumn
ComputedDateColumn.DataType = GetType(System.DateTime)
ComputedDateColumn.ColumnName = "ComputedDateColumn"
ComputedDateColumn.Expression = "DateColumn.AddDays(2)" ' this
doesn't work
ComputedDateColumn.Expression = "DateColumn + 2" ' this
doesn't work either
Dim r As DataRow = dt.NewRow
r.Item("IntegerColumn") = 5
r.Item("DateColumn") = Date.Today
End Sub
haven't found a solution. I am trying to add a datacolumn to a datatable
that adds or subtracts a number of days based on another datetime column in
the table. See sample below. How do I do this? Any help would be greatly
appreciated. Thanks
Private Sub CreateDataTable()
dt = New DataTable
Dim IntegerColumn As New DataColumn
IntegerColumn.DataType = GetType(Integer)
IntegerColumn.ColumnName = "IntegerColumn"
Dim ComputedIntegerColumn As New DataColumn
ComputedIntegerColumn.DataType = GetType(Integer)
ComputedIntegerColumn.ColumnName = "ComputedIntegerColumn"
ComputedIntegerColumn.Expression = "IntegerColumn + 2"
Dim DateColumn As New DataColumn
DateColumn.DataType = GetType(System.DateTime)
DateColumn.ColumnName = "DateColumn"
Dim ComputedDateColumn As New DataColumn
ComputedDateColumn.DataType = GetType(System.DateTime)
ComputedDateColumn.ColumnName = "ComputedDateColumn"
ComputedDateColumn.Expression = "DateColumn.AddDays(2)" ' this
doesn't work
ComputedDateColumn.Expression = "DateColumn + 2" ' this
doesn't work either
Dim r As DataRow = dt.NewRow
r.Item("IntegerColumn") = 5
r.Item("DateColumn") = Date.Today
End Sub