If I make a change to a data bound control, does ACCESS actually translate
the change into a SQL statement and run the statement using
Application.CurrentProject.Connection object?
I need to find ways to ensure that changes on the main form and subforms
happen within a single transaction context, without having to resort to
using unbound controls (which obviously defeat the purpose of using ACCESS
VBA in the first place).
I have been given the suggestion to start a transaction in the BeforeUpdate
event handler and commit the transaction in the AfterUpdate event handler
(ie., depending on whether main form or subform gets changed first, call
Application.CurrentProject.Connection.BeginTrans in Form_BeforeUpdate of
main form and Application.CurrentProject.Connection.CommitTrans in
Form_AfterUpdate of subform). My impression is that AfterUpdate actually
occurs when the change is already complete. However, if I wrap them in
BeginTrans and CommitTrans, does that change the default behaviour of
When I change records in subform, I use DoCmd.GotoRecord as the method to
scroll through subform records. I am just wondering how I can make the
change to all the records on the subform happen within the same transaction,
without resorting to ADO (or even DoCmd.RunSQL statement).
Similarly, when I change a particular record on the subform (let me make it
a concrete example. Let's say that the subform displays order line details.
Every time order line qty is changed, I want to update inventory records).
The logical thing to do obviously is to update inventory record in the
BeforeUpdate event handler of the qty bound control. However, do the changes
I make within the BeforeUpdate event and change made directly to the Qty
bound control occur within 1 single transaction? Or are they really separate
transactions, in which case, inconsistency may occur?
Thanks in advance
the change into a SQL statement and run the statement using
Application.CurrentProject.Connection object?
I need to find ways to ensure that changes on the main form and subforms
happen within a single transaction context, without having to resort to
using unbound controls (which obviously defeat the purpose of using ACCESS
VBA in the first place).
I have been given the suggestion to start a transaction in the BeforeUpdate
event handler and commit the transaction in the AfterUpdate event handler
(ie., depending on whether main form or subform gets changed first, call
Application.CurrentProject.Connection.BeginTrans in Form_BeforeUpdate of
main form and Application.CurrentProject.Connection.CommitTrans in
Form_AfterUpdate of subform). My impression is that AfterUpdate actually
occurs when the change is already complete. However, if I wrap them in
BeginTrans and CommitTrans, does that change the default behaviour of
When I change records in subform, I use DoCmd.GotoRecord as the method to
scroll through subform records. I am just wondering how I can make the
change to all the records on the subform happen within the same transaction,
without resorting to ADO (or even DoCmd.RunSQL statement).
Similarly, when I change a particular record on the subform (let me make it
a concrete example. Let's say that the subform displays order line details.
Every time order line qty is changed, I want to update inventory records).
The logical thing to do obviously is to update inventory record in the
BeforeUpdate event handler of the qty bound control. However, do the changes
I make within the BeforeUpdate event and change made directly to the Qty
bound control occur within 1 single transaction? Or are they really separate
transactions, in which case, inconsistency may occur?
Thanks in advance