My problem:
When the cursor is on a given row in the DataGridView, the data in the row
has to be shown in TextBoxes underneath the DataGridView. the user must be
able to edit in the Datagridview, or in the textboxes. The text in these
textboxes and the datagridview has to be synchronsied at all time. So if the
user types "a" in the Name-Column, the "a" has to appear immediately in the
Textbox etc.
This doesn't seem to be as easy as I thought. I used a BindingSource, and I
handle the EditingControlShowing_TextChanged-event of my DataGridView, and
in that handler I force commits after each keypress
(Me.dgvArticles.CommitEdit(DataGridViewDataErrorContexts.Commit) ) and do a
ResetCurrentItem of my BindingSource. But this doesn't work always, not when
it's the first time a suer selects a row etc etc etc...
So: a lot of trouble, and still not the desired result.
Does anybody knows how to do this? I would help me really a lot!
Thanks a lot in advance,
My problem:
When the cursor is on a given row in the DataGridView, the data in the row
has to be shown in TextBoxes underneath the DataGridView. the user must be
able to edit in the Datagridview, or in the textboxes. The text in these
textboxes and the datagridview has to be synchronsied at all time. So if the
user types "a" in the Name-Column, the "a" has to appear immediately in the
Textbox etc.
This doesn't seem to be as easy as I thought. I used a BindingSource, and I
handle the EditingControlShowing_TextChanged-event of my DataGridView, and
in that handler I force commits after each keypress
(Me.dgvArticles.CommitEdit(DataGridViewDataErrorContexts.Commit) ) and do a
ResetCurrentItem of my BindingSource. But this doesn't work always, not when
it's the first time a suer selects a row etc etc etc...
So: a lot of trouble, and still not the desired result.
Does anybody knows how to do this? I would help me really a lot!
Thanks a lot in advance,