Luke Vogel said:
Ok,I know what SQL and Oracle are .... what does oledb and odbc stand
OLEDB = Object Linking and Embedding Data Base connectivity... I'm pretty
sure thats right.
ODBC - Open DataBase Connectivity.
Both of em are micrisoft standards for interacting with Databases to a
common source. ODBC was the first one, and now OLEDB is quickly taking over
as a more stable/speedy infrastructure.
Personally, I only use SQL, thats because I hate access, and don't really
have a need for mySQL (No Stored Procedures, no thank you.) and last time I
used the PostGres drivers I wasn't impressed (this was over a year ago
though.. so a lot has changed, I just bought a copy of SQL Server and went
from there. i was content)
And i can't really afford oracle. Have done some Sybase work, but that was
in Java.
If I understand correctly, odbc is used as a kind of proxy
adapter/filter to interface between the app and the datasource. Does
that mean there would be a performance hit or reduced capability for
multiple users?
Yeah, its what it does. Its a set of rules basically that both DB Vendors
and product vendors have to follow so that everyone is "guarunteed" to work.
Second, Databases are always going to have a performance hit of some kind.
Especially with more than one user accessing it (unless you have multiple
processors, and even then, once you reach that threshold of user/processor
ratio (or hell, even user/task) your having a "perfomance hit", the question
is, what is the users toleration level. =)
Isn't CS fun? =)
I was just reading that oledb is used for just about any data source
whereas the sqlclient namespace classes are optimised for MS SQL Server
2000 databases.
Yep, and your correct.
Ok,so you must have the appropriate dbms installed for the app to work.
Someone told me you only need to copy the database file and the .net
framework would do the rest ... clearly wrong.
In a pipe dream. MSSQL for example has some of the most advanced Data
mining routines ever conceived (no, they didn't make them, they bought them,
integerated them, paid other people, other people didn't like it after
awhile so they sued them.
Whoops, slipped into Rant mode.. my apologies.
So no, .NET framework doesn't take care of it, would kinda defeat the purpse
of selling SQL Server for $1400 and giving away the framework wouldn't it?
Good luck to you, it's a good time. =)