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I am planning to create a database for a shop. In daily basis I need report
of source of income as follows :
1) Sales 2) By Tailoring 3) Other Source of Income
In daily basis I need report as follows :
1) Shop Rent 2) Salary Expenses 3) Shop Expenses
In the Shop Expenses I need sub form as : a) Electricity b) Telephone
Other Expenses
4) Donations & Charity 5) Freight & Transportation
6) Purchase Expenses. This Purchase Expenses I want to see as separate
7) I need separate report as : Savings
How can I link this in tables? What is the easy way. How to arrange this
I know a lot about access

How can I link this in tables? I want to enter datas in form. What is the
easy way. How to arrange this database?
At least tell me how can I create this table and connect each other.
Break all of the totals down into queries that are summarizing by and
grouping by the catagories that you want, then create whatever reports
you want.

example if every sale / expense has to have a unique code saying what
it is.
Other Income

then a summary control table that has each of those codes and the next
level up summary level that it belongs to.
ex shop expense electricity
shop expense telephone
shop expense telephone

Then create as many summary queries with group by and sum and whatever
criteria you want to give you the data to produce whatever reports you
Based on your description so far, I'm having trouble visualizing the table
structure you intend to use. Decide on your entities and attributes, and
use the table design tool to create your tables.

Once your table structure is determined and normalized (and I would expect
there to be more than one table), you can show the relationships among
tables using the Relationships button on the Toolbar.

Just so you're aware, most of the folks who respond here (including me) are
volunteering their time -- we're not being paid to offer our ideas. "At
least tell me how ..." comes off a bit demanding, considering what you're
paying for the service... <g>


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP
I know most of the folks who respond here are volunteering their time. I am
very much intrested to create this and make it work for my satisfaction and
once it succeed that will be your pleasure too. Please give me information
on following:

1) I need source of income report of : Daily Shop Sales, Daily Tailoring
Daily Other Source of Income. How many table I can create for this?

2) I want to include in Daily Expense report : Electricity Bill amount,
Telephone Bill amount, Refreshments and others.
How can I create table break up for the above two items? Which field to
which field I can link the table. In report I need 3 datas as follows :
1. SNO., 2. Date, 3. Description, 4. Amoun

I can't tell you how many tables you need. I don't have a clear enough
picture of the data you are working with.

Could you provide a list of every piece of data you are collecting (or
perhaps, that you wish to collect)? We can start from there...


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP

Microsoft IT Academy Program Mentor

Microsoft Registered Partner
A) Daily Sales Income
1) Sales Data : Date,
Subscription, Amount
2) Tailoring Data : Date,
Subscription, Amount
3) Other Source Data : Date, Subscription,

B) Daily Shop Expenses
4) Shop Rent Data : Date, Subscription,
5) Salary Data : Date,
Subscription, Amount
6) Shop Expenses Data : Date, Subscription,

C) Daily Shop Expenses (Other)
7) Electricity Data : Date,
Subscription, Amount
8) Telephone Data : Date, Subscription,
9) Refreshments Data : Date, Subscription,
10) Donations & Charity Data : Date, Subscription, Amount
11) Freights & Transportation Data : Date, Subscription, Amount

D) Daily Purchase Expenses
12) Cash Purchase Data : Date, Subscription,
13) Credit Purchase Data : Date, Subscription,

I need all above datas (1 to 13) monthly report. I want to search in
Please suggest to me how many table I have to create. Are you going to
suggest one to one, one to many, many to many?
Would appreciate your great response i detail.

I'm not understanding "Subscription". What I noticed, though, is that you
appear to have a field for a date, a field for a "subscription", and a field
for an amount. If you added one more field, for the "type", you could put
all those into a single table, instead of 13 tables. (By the way, the word
"Date" is a reserved word in Access -- you may want to change that.)

Here a possible table structure (given that I'm really not understanding
your underlying data yet):

?Subscription? (?what kinds of data are you recording in this
CategoryID (this "points" to the Category table below, and describes
the Amount on this Date for this

Category (this table has 13 rows, one for each of your categories)
CategoryTitle (this would hold "Daily Sales", ... "Salary", ...
"Refreshments", ...)

Does that give you any more ideas? You really need to have your data
well-structured before trying to build forms (screens) and reports.


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP
In the field : "Subscription" I can input the data such as What kind of item
I sold,
for Tailoring : What I stritched, For daily shop expenses I can input
desctiption such as what kind of expense it was... so on...
I hope you got my point now about description.

As you told me one of the field "Date" is reserved word in Access, how can
I input the date of corresponding input date of datas.