Well hope someone can help me here. I had set up a couple of web pages on
our server showing some info from some sql views. All was fine till the
other day when none of the pages would show. All showed the same "Server
Error in '/' Application" error. That was the start of my problem as when i
tried to open the pages in frontpage 2003 i could no longer use the database
wizrd to completion. I get to connect to our sql database ok but then it
falls over trying to open the table, telling me the object does not exist.
our server showing some info from some sql views. All was fine till the
other day when none of the pages would show. All showed the same "Server
Error in '/' Application" error. That was the start of my problem as when i
tried to open the pages in frontpage 2003 i could no longer use the database
wizrd to completion. I get to connect to our sql database ok but then it
falls over trying to open the table, telling me the object does not exist.