Database Window



I have completely lost the database window in an Access XP (2000 file
format) database and nothing I know will get it back...Shift when opening,
F11, Open Exclusive.

Anyone have any ideas...there was no security set.


Wayne Morgan

Are there any scroll bars visible in the main Access window? If so, it may
be "off the screen", just scroll to find it then drag it back to where it

John Nurick

Has it just gone out of sight? That happens sometimes. If the Access
window appears empty but has scrollbars this could be it.

Van T. Dinh

In addition to Wayne and John's advice, use the Menu Windows / Cascade and /
or Arrange Icons to make it visible in the current Access Application


Thanks for the tips!

The one that worked and which I would have never thought of was Van's
cascading window suggestion. I'm glad it worked and I don't have to go
through the import-into-a-new-database routine. but I'd love to know what
caused it. I've been working, off and on, with Access since v1 and have
never experienced this before.

Thanks very much to all who replied.



Wayne Morgan

Sometimes changing screen resolution will cause it. Sometimes having the database window
minimized when you shut down Access can cause it. Yes, Van's method of letting Access find
the window was definitely easier than scrolling until finding it.

Van T. Dinh

If the Database Containers window is in "Restored" mode,
Cascade will re-position it in the Access application
window. If it is in "Minimized" mode, you need to
use "Arrange Icons" to re-position the Icons (minimised
windows). Since I (and you) didn't know which mode it was
in, I posted both methods so that you could try both.

Van T. Dinh
MVP (Access)

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