Yes i have all commands(insert, delete, etc). My update command looks like this:
Dim updateCmd as new OleDbCommand
Dim prm as oledbparameter
updateCmd.CommandText = "UPDATE tblAppCourse SET Qualified=?,Status=? WHERE App_id=? "(here i need to say WHERE App_id=? and Course_id=? but i got error when i did this)
prm=updateCmd.Parameters.Add("?",OleDbType.Integer,15, "App_id")
My table is as follows:
tblAppCourse(App_id, Course_id, Priority, Qualified), App_id and Course_id are the primary keys which uniquely identify a record.
i need to update a record where App_id=something AND course_id =something because an Applicant can choose many courses( 3 courses), so i can have three rows with same App_id, but the Course_id will differ. Currently what is happening is that when i write back Qualified to dbase , all the rows where the given id is specified are written to, but what i need is to write to a row which has a certain App_id AND a certain Course_id.
for example if i have
app_id Course_id Qualified
1 C001 yes
1 C002 no
1 C003 yes
i should be able to write backthe value of " qualified " for each course for that student, but for now what is happening is that i can specify only App_id in my update command, not Course_id, so if i write alue of Qualified, it write same value to all three rows, yes for all, or no for all of them.
So in my update command how can i accomodate two primary keys to identify a record.