Database to html software?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Pete
  • Start date Start date



I'm looking for software to export a database into html pages. The
software should be able to handle several html templates and be able
to filter items before the export.

Has anyone suggestions?

Pete Jones
what kind of database?
Access (version?) of Dbase or progress or mysql or ... or... or...

There are a few out there, but in my hunt for the perfect freeware database
I forgot most not-so-interestign-for-me sites, but If you can give soem
detail, I think I's manage to comeup with something...

by the way, the most perfect database (IMHO) is not yet finnished and has a
major flaw: It will only be aviable for pinguins: Kexi

At present I'm using a flat file database in .csv format but this could
easily be converted to DBF format ro something similar

These are the two most used, the first for Windows the second for Macintosh.
Especialy T2T (windows) is quite costumable...

Name: T2T
Vers: 2.51
Plat: Windows
Aut.: Sam Francke
PLic: Cardware
BLic: Cardware
T2T converts delimited files to HTML tables, separators are: (;) (,) (TAB)
and (|). It handles CSV files produced by spreadsheet or database, handmade
compliant files may be processed as well.
On the TAB Header / Table Props are options to manipulate fonts and colors;
these are gathered in an embedded style sheet. Most features are set with
dot commands in the CSV/text file, dc are .!, .H, .h, .e, .c and .v for
explanation see the help.file.

By the way, Sam Francke has written some more excelent software, such as
CVSDB and "De Knop".


Name: CVS-to-HTML
Vers: 2.1
Plat: Macintosh
Aut.: Jamie Flournoy
PLic: Freeware
BLic: Freeware
CSV-to-HTML converts CSV-format spreadsheet files, which can be exported
from Microsoft Excel, into HTML tables wrapped in a complete HTML document.
You can convert a single spreadsheet in 30 seconds or less: just Save As...
in CSV format from Excel, switch to the Finder and drag the document onto
CSV-to-HTML, and you're done.
CSV-to-HTML is a fat binary application (runs on 68K Macs and PowerPC Macs).
There are lots of ways I could tweak the code to make it faster, but it's
already so darn fast I don't feel like performance-tuning it. It took me
about 3 minutes after I finished and tested the PPC version to make the 68K
version, test it, and stick the 68K code in the PPC application to make it

Mighty Kitten